Difference between revisions of "ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 35"

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(One intermediate revision by one other user not shown)
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* Changed: (case 56693) the WO # box, which can be clicked to load a new WO #, was causing issues in some rare cases where the user would get stuck in a WO load loop.  This lookup box now works the same as the same lookups on the other document screens to avoid this issue.
* Changed: (case 56693) the WO # box, which can be clicked to load a new WO #, was causing issues in some rare cases where the user would get stuck in a WO load loop.  This lookup box now works the same as the same lookups on the other document screens to avoid this issue.

===Billing Statement (Billing.rpt)===
* Added: (case 55807) font setting for customer-facing-reports
===External Work Order (WorkOrderExternal.rpt)===
* Added: (case 50885) a setting to change font
* Fixed: (case 56616) workers who were currently clocked in being left out of hourly labor totals when summarizing labor by worker
===Internal Work Order (WorkOrderInternal.rpt)===
* Added: (case 50885) a setting to change font
* Added: (case 56322) a new setting to show jobtask hour subtotals by user
* Added: (case 56322) work clock intime and outtime
===Inventory Movement (InventoryMovement.rpt)===
* Added: (case 46131) a new report to track inventory usage
===Part Search Results (PartSearchResults.rpt)===
* Fixed: (case 56300) NULL handling for flex field labels
===Pick List (PickList.rpt)===
* Added: (case 54790) a new setting for hiding comments
===Purchase Order (PurchaseOrder.rpt)===
* Added: (case 50885) a setting to change font
* Added: (case 51984) a new hidden parameter for French mode
===Sales Order (SalesOrder11in.rpt)===
* Added: (case 54017) new setting for Truck # field label
* Added: (case 55110) a new setting to override counterperson label
* Added: (case 55110) a new setting to override part number column label
* Fixed: (case 55110) alternate header layouts now respect the new counterperson label override setting
* Added: (case 55031) font setting
* Added: (case 56003) new settings to optionally hide quantities and sale price
===Teardown (Teardown.rpt)
* Added: (case 56715) new setting to show user status column.  You can also sort by it.
===Transfer Order (TransferOrder.rpt)===
* Added: (case 50885) a setting to change font
===Transfer Order Posting Report (TransferOrderPostingReport.rpt)===
* Fixed: (case 57340) parameter issue with the serials subreport
===Vehicle Spec Sheet (VehicleSpecSheet.rpt)===
* Added: (case 55031) font setting
===Vehicle Detail By Part Type (VehicleDetailByPartType.rpt)===
* Removed: (case 47736) deprecated old report
===Vehicle Value Analysis (VehicleValueAnalysis.rpt)===
* Added: (case 56512) status column, user status column, new setting to replace purchase date column with receive date column
===Worker Scan Sheet(WorkerScanSheet.rpt)===
* Fixed: (no case) userid formatting to exclude commas on userids at least 4 digits long

Line 261: Line 316:
* Fixed: (case 59228) a potential crash that could occur if the user sold an assembly component on a sales order and wanted to a breakdown from that screen.
* Fixed: (case 59228) a potential crash that could occur if the user sold an assembly component on a sales order and wanted to a breakdown from that screen.
=v35.4.6 (3/14/2023)=
* Fixed: (case 59709) an issue where, if an external tax quote was still in the "Calculating..." state, the current invoice balance would be unavailable, throwing off balance tests on save.
* Removed: an unnecessary recalculation of tax quote on every save operation, as this was interfering with checking tax quote state during save, and was delaying saves.
* Added: (case 59709) if, for any reason, an external tax quote is still in the "Calculating..." state when the user hits the save button, a special popup will appear letting them know the system is waiting for this to either complete successfully or return an error.  This popup has a Cancel button in case they don't want to wait (though the save will be cancelled as well).  This will prevent any issues where a slow tax quote might cause a save operation to use out of date information.

Latest revision as of 13:39, 4 April 2023

REVISION 23286-23617 database version 3500


  • eCommerce support for payments
  • Completely redone customer and vendor Q&A system. Try it out!
  • Significantly expanded part Q&A system to match the updated vehicle Q&A system. Tons of new features, try it out!
  • Major improvements on the eBay screen
  • Many improvements to vendor list to match features that have been added to customer list over the years.
  • Better accounting error messages


  • Minor changes to lists to attempt to work around the crash reported in case 54051.
  • Various improvements to the installer file to modernize and fix many issues with dependencies and SSL certs.
  • Fixed: an issue where clicking the 'close application' box would prevent change detection messages from appearing for any open screens.
  • Removed: an old "Are you sure you want to close" confirmation popup on application close that had been broken for awhile.
  • Added: if the user has windows dark mode turned on, the application title bar will now show dark.

eCommerce Synchronizer

  • Added: when remote documents are marked as paid, the local documents will have payment records created.
  • Added: we now check a setting for default payment method for payments created from the ecommmerce integration. It defaults to Online Payment. If such a payment method can not be found, one will be created.
  • Fixed: an issue where EE integrators would always use the customerid returned by the HTP API, even when the misc local customer is more appropriate.
  • Fixed: a crash when attempting to build a line item description if the inventory record had no description.
  • Removed: temporarily removed code that would create a shipping adjustment on the document based on remote shipping charges. This is because currently shipping charges are decided in the local ITrack system, not on the internet.
  • Added: more log output for work being done to create payments for later reference.
  • Added: (case 53996) ability for web payments to be created and associated with the quotes created as internet sales.


  • Fixed: an issue reported by users where a database error could be thrown if a particularly large list control attempted to save its column order/widths to the `columnorder` table. Maximum column width increased from 200 to 1024.
  • Removed: a unique index per case 53806
  • Removing some unused settings from the vehicles section
  • Case 54483: Add "Customer Type" as a display field to the Transaction List for the Sales Order Source
  • Fixed: an issue where inventory Q&A choices had a unique index on choice value that was global instead of per-choice.
  • Added: (case 53804) model fields for shipping dimensions
  • Added: inventory fields for tracking weight unit and shipping unit
  • Added: (case 54027) inventory type flag for requiring serialization.
  • Added: (Case 54428) Unit Number column on Transaction List
  • Fixed: a potential divide by zero error in f_vendor_fill_rate for new vendors when mysql strict mode is on.
  • Added: (Case 55369) vehicle.dateentered to Transaction List as display field and filter for the Vehicle Source
  • Fixing an issue where users could not create two inventory options with the same name but different categories/manufacturers/models.
  • Added: Case 55804 "Vehicle Unit" as filter for the Purchase Order Source to the Transaction List
  • Added: (case 55313) permission "Move All" button in scanner
  • Added: Case 56095: Update WOMP Inventory Join in Transaction List to use unique alias
  • Changed: (case 56507) the customer Q&A table now defines specifically what input types are allowed. Boolean has been added.
  • Changed: vendoroption.type is now an enum of specific, semantic types like customeroption.
  • Added: several indices to the eBay auction/transaction tables to improve loading and search speed.
  • Added: fulltext index to vendor alternate addresses so that we can search them like we do customer alternate addresses in smart searches.
  • Added: a foreign key in vendoroptionvalue to vendor.vendorid for both data integrity and speed. Vendor smart searches were very slow if there were large numbers of option values.
  • Changed: customeroptionvalue has had an index swapped out for a foreign key to match vendoroptionvalue.
  • Fixed: an issue where deleting a job from a workorder might not cause the parts on that job to recalculate their holds. Now deleting a job will cause any job parts to recalculate holds correct
  • Changed: the version of p_run_for_all_tables that was deployed was out of date, so deploying it again. This should only effect the weekly optimization of all tables so that they skip any archived or deprecated tables.
  • Added: (case 57022) several indices to common tables to improve the speed of common operations on large databases.
  • Fixed: re-released p_run_for_each_table because it was missing some considerations for tables named ARCHIVE_ or DEPRECATED_
  • Deleted: attempting to delete any historical columnorder entries with values that are outside of reasonable bounds. This is because there was a small window in which invalid column width information was being saved, leading to users having to reset these values manually.


  • Added: (case 56721) while generating accounting for payment(s), if the AR gl account id or payment method specific deposit gl account id are not set, the user will see a specific error (historically they would just get a more general accounting error which was harder to interpret).
  • Added: (case 56721) while generating accounting for a sales order, if tax accounting could not be completed because the Accounts Receivable account was not set, the user will see a more specific error (historically they would just get a more general accounting error which was harder to interpret).
  • Fixed: (case 56946) a rare bug where, if the user modified a GL account, if it was the currently selection in one of the global setting dropdowns at the top of the screen (such as AR or AP), the next time the user closed the screen, that account setting would be reset to blank. This has lead to users getting accounting errors because their AR account got cleared after they made a change to the name or description of the account.
  • Changed: the global settings on the accounts and categories tabs are no longer first in the tab order, this is to help prevent situations where users may accidentally change the values of these dropdowns.


  • Fixed: (case 54183) an issue where deleting the only price contract would not save correctly.
  • Added: (case 56507) support for boolean/checkbox customer Q&A options. Such options will show a checkbox for filling out data.
  • Changed: all customer Q&A is now formatted to reduce guesswork for users with regards to how to enter 'formatted' values like currency/number/date. Where appropriate, specific controls are now used (date picker, checkbox, etc). There may be some need to convert historical data to comply with new formatted data standards. Please contact ISoft data systems if you have historical customer Q&A that you would like help converting.
  • Fixed: an issue where newly added options would not format their input field correctly based on input type.
  • Fixed: an issue where changing an existing option's type would not format its input field correctly.
  • Fixed: a potential database error that could occur if the customer had a blank value for an option saved, and the user tried to save a new value.

Customer List

  • Fixed: several issues with search vs Show All when the user picked search options that used specialized controls (date pickers/checkboxes/etc).
  • Added: (case 56507) support for boolean/checkbox customer Q&A options. These are displayed in the list as read-only checkboxes and can be sorted by check state. Also, added the ability to search by such fields using a checkbox filter.
  • Fixed: several minor formatting bugs when the user entered a search filter value.
  • Added: 'raw' user values are now formatted using the current user's locale settings when displaying data in the list. IE, dates, numbers, and currency will be formatted to match user preferences in the result list.
  • Fixed: an issue where the button did not change from 'show all' if the user did a smart search.
  • Fixed: a possible bug where searching by checkbox wouldn't perform the search if the user did a different search before that.
  • Fixed: an issue where having an empty value for a custom Q&A search would not show the 'show all' button and would not search for all results.
  • Fixed: an issue where doing a greater than/less than search on numeric or currency Q&A fields would not always compare results correctly.

Core Management

  • Fixed: the date range dropdown on customer cores now has a "Last 6 months" option. Also, ranges are no longer sorted alphabetically, but instead with a more logical order.
  • Added: checks to the from/to date pickers on customer cores to make it easier to have unbounded ranges.
  • Performance: an issue where the customer cores tab would load twice when the screen was opened if the user had the "Automatically refresh" checkbox checked. Now it will only load once on open.
  • Performance: the customer cores date range now defaults to the last 6 months to make loading faster on databases with a lot of sales history. Also, the user's chosen date range will now be saved on screen close.
  • Fixed: a bug where the "Owed to Vendor" checkbox was being ignored. Unchecking this value should now work correctly.
  • Performance: several filters on customer cores were causing reloads every time the user clicked into or out of them. Now it should only happen if a value actually changes.

Data Management

  • Changed: the inventory import now allows non-numbers in the OEM # input field.


  • Fixed: an issue where typing a new ebay customer in could crash if the user had to be taken to the customer list to choose between multiple matches.
  • Added: a "search" button, which reloads auction and inventory data from the database manually.
  • Added: an "auto-refresh" checkbox, which controls whether making changes to the auction filters will automatically do a search immediately or wait for the user to click search. This will speed up situations where there is a lot of data to load, and the user wants to make many changes to the filters without waiting for the search to complete in between. The user's preference for this check will be saved between sessions.
  • Added: a checkbox that will filter results to just those auctions that have a matching inventory record and hide the rest. This is useful when an ebay account has historical auctions that were not created from within ITrack and the user does not want to see those records. The user's preference on this checkbox will be saved between sessions.
  • Fixed: an issue where searching results might not scroll the selected item into view if the user had an auction selected before hitting search.
  • Added: the user's preference for the "need invoiced" and "w/ebay sales" checkboxes are now saved between sessions.
  • Added: support for the new "w/inventory records" checkbox when searching auction data.


  • Fixed: an issue where the background color of open documents was forced to be white instead of the windows default background color. This conflicted with individuals setting a high-contrast dark theme.
  • Performance: (case 57022) on databases with large numbers of work orders, the WOs tab of the home screen could take a very long time to load the first page of results if the user had "Always" selected for the date range.
  • Performance: (case 57022) an issue where the sales orders tab would search for sales twice on initial open, which was particularly noticeable on slow database connections.


  • Fixed: an issue where the model dropdowns in the list were not passing part type in correctly when loading inventory models.
  • Fixed: an issue where manufacturers were not being used to filter model dropdowns correctly for manufacturers that span part types. Now part models from other part types should not show in the model dropdowns.

Inventory Overview

  • Fixed: (case 53762) an issue where the 'last 4 months' columns had the wrong month labels.


  • Fixed: an issue where users were allowed to proceed with password recovery on accounts that had no recovery email set. The grace period on this has ended, if any account has not had a recovery email set at this point, to recover their password they must talk to support or administration at their own company (depending on security settings).
  • Added: the password recovery email template now has information about the computer/install at which the reset attempt was initiated from to make it more trackable if a malicious third party is locking accounts by beginning a recovery attempt on them.
  • Added: if the security setting "Passwords: minimum count of online breaches to restrict passwords at" is set to "N/A" or a negative value, the user will be warned but not restricted on this system.

Manage Warehouse

  • Fixed: (case 56530) an issue where held serials would show "1" in the QA column in the manual count page.


  • Changed: the Q&A page now hides the serial #'s area if the part is not serialized. This gives much more space to the Q&A which is more important on the majority of inventory items.
  • Added: (case 53650) support for the new, enhanced Q&A system. Questions can now be part type, category, manufacturer, and model specific (or global to all part types). In addition questions can have dynamic defaults, as well as customized dropdowns, checkboxes, date pickers, text boxes, etc.
  • Added: support for reloading questions when part type changes.
  • Fixed: a database error that could occur if the user deleted a serial that was currently lost (in location Variance). This is because any associated inventoryvariance records were deleted with the serial, but then deleting the lost serial tried to 'balance' the loss. Now it will skip that.
  • Added: the dynamic Q&A system on the vehicles screen has been added to the parts screen as well. The questions can be part type, manufacturer, model, and category specific, and the answers can have default values and different data types.
  • Added: changing category, assembly manufacturer/model, and manufacturer/model now updates Q&A in case there are any category specific questions.
  • Fixed: an issue where loading a part might not load Q&A correctly.
  • Added: clearing a part now clears Q&A answers correctly.
  • Fixed: an issue where changing a Q&A value might not save correctly if the user changes serial #'s.
  • Added: support for serial # specific Q&A in the new, dynamic Q&A system. Adding a new serial # inherits defaults from the global defaults on the part.
  • Added: (case 54103) an extra hint on the tooltip for the lead time field to explain the 90 day window.
  • Added: some extra text to the tooltip for the lead time box to make its calculations more obvious
  • Fixed: an issue where changing part type might not migrate the category correctly.
  • Added: serialized Q&A should now work correctly with the new, advanced Q&A system. In addition, making changes to part type/category/manufacturer/model should now be reflected automatically in the answers on all serials.
  • Added: on loading a part, if any new Q&A has been added that has a default, those default values should now be created for each serial # on the part.
  • Fixed: an issue where, if a part had Q&A for serials and the part type or something was changed, serialized answers might inherit from the 'default' serial instead of carrying over previous values for the same serial # to similarly named questions.
  • Fixed: Q&A answers that no longer apply (due to changing part type/category/etc) are now marked for deletion on save.
  • Added: (case 54179) required options must now be filled out now to save. If the part is serialized, the question must be answered for each serial # that is on hand.
  • Fixed: minor issues with Q&A when cloning parts.
  • Fixed: an issue where dropdown based Q&A might show duplicate choice options.
  • Fixed: issues with replicating parts between stores with Q&A.
  • Fixed: an issue where loading a serialized part might copy default Q&A answers onto serials that have no answer for that question.
  • Performance: (case 56823) several overlapping issues that could cause loading or saving a part with >2k serials and several dozen Q&A options to take a very long time (2.5 hours), and is now much faster (12s for load, 2s for save). More improvements to come in the future on load time.
  • Fixed: an issue where the 'default' serial Q&A might not load correctly for a SKU with a large number of serials.
  • Fixed: (case 56847) an issue where the 'show unavailable serials' checkbox on the serials tab of the parts screen might get cleared (unchecked) every time a part is loaded.
  • Fixed: (case 56870) an issue where the 'delete serial #' button would be greyed out until the user toggled the "serialized" checkbox off and then back on. Now this button can be clicked so long as a serial is selected.
  • Fixed: (case 57280) an issue where the "uses serials" checkbox would not be checked correctly when loading a serialized part.
  • Changed: (case 57242) if the user marks a part as serialized that has no serials yet, the primary location of the part will no longer be deleted. This is because when this happened, if the part had quantity on hand but no serials, the quantity would go into Variance, and the user's default primary location choice would be lost. Now this information will be kept so that newly created serials will default to this valid location instead of Variance.

Part Configuration

  • Fixed: an issue where configuring inventory options (Q&A), the user couldn't change required options.
  • Fixing an issue where users could not create two inventory options with the same name but different categories/manufacturers/models.

Sales Orders

  • Fixed: an issue where user preferences in the 'save options' popup would not correctly save if the user cleared the screen after making changes. Now their preferences are saved as soon as they hit Ok in the popup, though preferences are still reloaded on each clear in case preferences had been changed elsewhere in the software.
  • Fixed: a potentially slow query when deleting sales order lines on save on larger databases.
  • Fixed: (case 55462) whether a reopened invoice would change its date on finalization was inconsistent. Now, if the user finalizes an invoice, no matter if it was previously finalized or not, the document date will be automatically changed to 'today'. This provides maximum consistency between open and re-opened invoices.
  • Fixed: a rare issue when saving a new payment and receiving some kind of error, if the user re-attempted the save, the payment might not re-save correctly.
  • Added: (case 56721) whenever attempting to save payments, if the previous gl accounts on the payment are invalid (and accounting is turned on), they will be refreshed from the database before save. This will help users recover accounting misconfigurations by re-saving invalid documents.


  • Fixed: (case 57032) an inconsistent issue where the user might get an error if search logging was turned on (it defaults to off) after doing a search and selecting an item to send to a screen. This information should log correctly now.


  • Changed: (case 56507) vendor Q&A section redone to match customer Q&A features, including the new boolean option type.

Vendor List

  • Added: (case 56507) all features regarding Q&A searching and displaying that were added to the customer list screen have been ported to the vendor list screen.
  • Added: smart search now searches alternate addresses, like customer list smart search.
  • Added: many features that have been added to customer list over the years have been ported to the vendor list screen to make the screens have similar features.
  • Fixed: an issue where having an empty value for a custom Q&A search would not show the 'show all' button and would not search for all results.
  • Fixed: an issue where doing a greater than/less than search on numeric or currency Q&A fields would not always compare results correctly.
  • Optimization: the way that vendor Q&A has been improved to match performance optimizations made to the customer list screen.
  • Added: vendor account # as a searchable field.
  • Fixed: an issue where the search method (contains, equals, at least, etc) default to the correct item like the customer list search.


  • Added: (case 51437) a user request to support a new setting: "Vehicles"->"Purchase date automatically set to title received date". This setting defaults to False. If set to True, the purchase date field on a vehicle will be locked, and whenever the user changes the title received date, that value will be put into the vehicle purchase date as well.
  • Added: as per user request, when a vehicle type is chosen, if there is only one category, it is automatically chosen.
  • Fixed: (case 57241) an issue where using the 'Copy item' button on the teardown interface or the assembly breakdown interface might show that the newly created item would exist at quantity 1, but it would actually be created with quantity 0, which could lead to confusion and location discrepancies.
  • Added: (case 57300) the email preview will now rearrange in real time as the user drags and drops data points in the list.
  • Added: (case 57300) the relative order of data points in the build email dialog are now remembered for all non-QA fields. QA fields are dynamic, so they are always added at the end in rank order.

Work Orders

  • Fixed: an issue where the user might see a query error when creating new serials on serialized WO master parts due to a change in how Q&A defaults work. More changes are yet to come in this interface.
  • Fixed: (case 55752) an issue where attempting to add a job template to a WO whose template store is different than the store the user is logged into might load the wrong (or no) template.
  • Fixed: an issue where loading a part template with misc/non-stocked items might cause an error that items with a non-zero price must have a valid gl category. Now items loaded from a template should correctly refresh gl category just like items added from a search.
  • Changed: (case 56693) the WO # box, which can be clicked to load a new WO #, was causing issues in some rare cases where the user would get stuck in a WO load loop. This lookup box now works the same as the same lookups on the other document screens to avoid this issue.


Billing Statement (Billing.rpt)

  • Added: (case 55807) font setting for customer-facing-reports

External Work Order (WorkOrderExternal.rpt)

  • Added: (case 50885) a setting to change font
  • Fixed: (case 56616) workers who were currently clocked in being left out of hourly labor totals when summarizing labor by worker

Internal Work Order (WorkOrderInternal.rpt)

  • Added: (case 50885) a setting to change font
  • Added: (case 56322) a new setting to show jobtask hour subtotals by user
  • Added: (case 56322) work clock intime and outtime

Inventory Movement (InventoryMovement.rpt)

  • Added: (case 46131) a new report to track inventory usage

Part Search Results (PartSearchResults.rpt)

  • Fixed: (case 56300) NULL handling for flex field labels

Pick List (PickList.rpt)

  • Added: (case 54790) a new setting for hiding comments

Purchase Order (PurchaseOrder.rpt)

  • Added: (case 50885) a setting to change font
  • Added: (case 51984) a new hidden parameter for French mode

Sales Order (SalesOrder11in.rpt)

  • Added: (case 54017) new setting for Truck # field label
  • Added: (case 55110) a new setting to override counterperson label
  • Added: (case 55110) a new setting to override part number column label
  • Fixed: (case 55110) alternate header layouts now respect the new counterperson label override setting
  • Added: (case 55031) font setting
  • Added: (case 56003) new settings to optionally hide quantities and sale price

===Teardown (Teardown.rpt)

  • Added: (case 56715) new setting to show user status column. You can also sort by it.

Transfer Order (TransferOrder.rpt)

  • Added: (case 50885) a setting to change font

Transfer Order Posting Report (TransferOrderPostingReport.rpt)

  • Fixed: (case 57340) parameter issue with the serials subreport

Vehicle Spec Sheet (VehicleSpecSheet.rpt)

  • Added: (case 55031) font setting

Vehicle Detail By Part Type (VehicleDetailByPartType.rpt)

  • Removed: (case 47736) deprecated old report

Vehicle Value Analysis (VehicleValueAnalysis.rpt)

  • Added: (case 56512) status column, user status column, new setting to replace purchase date column with receive date column

Worker Scan Sheet(WorkerScanSheet.rpt)

  • Fixed: (no case) userid formatting to exclude commas on userids at least 4 digits long



  • Major rewrite of how serials are managed on WOs, and to a lesser extent, other documents. Namely, the user can now edit advanced Q&A for serials on the WO screen (both for job parts and master parts) and change the location of a serial number.


  • When editing a serial # chosen for a job part or a WO master part, the user can now fill out all advanced Q&A, and defaults will correctly apply to newly created serial #'s.
  • Serial numbers selected on a WO can have their location changed, when they are created, edited, and one last time on WO finalization (master parts only).
  • The parts screen will no longer mention change detection for serialized parts if the only change has to do with locations. This was happening because the system was rebuilding location quantities based on serial #'s whenever the user opened the screen. Now they won't be bothered by this automatic recovery process.
  • Fixed several minor issues and weird display issues regarding serial #'s on transfer orders



  • The 'add multiple jobs' button was usable on closed WOs. It is now properly grayed out on such documents



  • Fixed: an issue where column order and widths might not save and restore correctly on the customer list and vendor list screens if the user had more than 60 custom Q&A columns



  • Fixed: an issue where very long category names would be cut off when adding items to a bid

This hotfix has also been applied to v32



  • If the user changes the part type of a part, or vehicle type of a vehicle, if any of the 4 flex fields are filled out, those values will 'carry forward' if the new part/vehicle type have a similarly named flex field.



  • Fixed an issue where locations were being cut off at 10 characters per 'level' in the tree, when they were supposed to allow up to 50.

This hotfix has also been applied to v32



  • Fixed: an issue where return invoices with a two-tier tax would not calculate exceeding the breakpoint correctly

This hotfix has also been applied to v32



  • Fixed: an issue where voiding POs would not reverse accounting activity if PO accounting was turned on
  • Added: the ability to rebuild general ledger entries from purchase orders from the accounting screen like with the other document types.



  • Fixed: (case 58422) the accept bid dialog on vehicles now correctly does not change the user status of a vehicle if the 'change user status' box is unchecked.
  • Fixed: (case 58385) a regression on vendor list where vendor smart searches using vendor code were not working.
  • Fixed: (case 58380) a bug where using the vendor lookup on purchase orders/vehicles/inventory overview to search by vendor id was not working correctly.



  • Brought a v36 feature into v35 early to fix issues some users have run into with WOs. Specifically, if the user re-opens a WO after it has been invoiced and add a new job, when the WO gets re-finalized, any newly added jobs will be sent to the associated SO to be invoiced.


If there are any historical WO documents with jobs that have not been invoiced, they can be corrected by loading the WO, and clicking the "Open/Send to invoice button"


Updated VinPower installer has been released via the Auto-Updater. This will allow VIN decoding in the system in 2023



  • The QuickBooks export screen now supports purchase order accounting, if it is turned on in the system. Previously, even if PO accounting was enabled, it could not be exported to QB.



  • Fixed an issue where assess finance charges could crash in some situations

This release was also rolled out into Enterprise 34 as v34.1.07



  • Fixed: (case 59228) a potential crash that could occur if the user sold an assembly component on a sales order and wanted to a breakdown from that screen.

v35.4.6 (3/14/2023)


  • Fixed: (case 59709) an issue where, if an external tax quote was still in the "Calculating..." state, the current invoice balance would be unavailable, throwing off balance tests on save.
  • Removed: an unnecessary recalculation of tax quote on every save operation, as this was interfering with checking tax quote state during save, and was delaying saves.
  • Added: (case 59709) if, for any reason, an external tax quote is still in the "Calculating..." state when the user hits the save button, a special popup will appear letting them know the system is waiting for this to either complete successfully or return an error. This popup has a Cancel button in case they don't want to wait (though the save will be cancelled as well). This will prevent any issues where a slow tax quote might cause a save operation to use out of date information.