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Parts Configuration Screen

Selecting Parts for Drop Down Lists

The Part Configuration Screen allows you to decide which parts will show up in the drop down lists on the Part Management Screen and the Search Screen.

Click on Part Configuration in the Main Menu to open the Part Configuration Screen. Make sure the Parts List tab is selected. When you first install ITrack, all the parts will be checked. You can choose to disable parts from the list that are infrequently or never used. Now, when you enter or search for a part, only the parts you have checked will be displayed. On the previous page, we unchecked hood hinge. The image below shows the Search Screen and the hood hinge is now gone.

Adding, Editing, or Removing Parts

The Parts List tab also allows you to add, edit, or remove parts. On the bottom of the screen you will see these buttons. It is important to remember there is a difference between removing and disabling a part. To remove a part, click on that part and click Remove. If you ever want the part back, you must add it into ITrack. Disabling a part is when you uncheck the box next to the name of the part. The part will still appear in the Parts List but will not show up when you are entering parts.

Clicking the Add button brings up the Add New Part Type box. From here, you can enter in information about a part. When you are satisfied with your new part, click the OK button.

The More fields are very useful. For some parts, ITrack already has the more fields filled out. You can always change what the More fields contain, whether they were filled out by ITrack or blank.

After entering information into the More fields, they will show up on the Part Management Screen.

To edit an existing part, click on the part you wish to edit and then click the Edit button and the Edit Part Type box will appear. Make any changes to the part and click OK when you are done.

If you want to delete a part from the Parts List, click on the part and then click the Remove button. When you click Remove you will get one of two different messages. You may get a dialog box asking you to confirm that you want to delete a part or you may get a message that the part you want to delete is in inventory. If a part is in your inventory, you cannot delete it.

Parts Configuration Questions Screen

Part Questions

Part Questions allows you to create questions that will be asked about specific parts when you enter them in your inventory. This allows you to have specific information about every part type that is entered. To create a part question, first select a part by clicking on it in the Parts List tab. Next, click the Edit Part Questions button in the lower right corner. This brings up the Questions dialog box.

Now, click the Add button to create a question. You can add as many questions as you would like. Click on a question and then click the Move Down or Move Up buttons to change the order of your questions. You may want more important questions towards the top of your list.

When you are finished creating questions for a part, click the OK button to save. Once your questions are saved they will show up in the Part Management Screen. When you enter the part that has these questions, the questions will show up in the Q And A tab. (Parts Configuration Q and A Tab)

Click in the Value field to type in the answer to you question. Now, when your sales people look up parts, they can have access to this valuable and more detailed information about the part.

Part Manufacturers

From the Parts List tab in the Part Configuration Screen, you can also add and edit part manufacturers. First, click on the part you want to add manufacturers for and then click the Edit Part Manufacturers button in the lower right corner. This will open up the Edit Manufacturers dialog box. Now, you can add a variety of manufacturers that are assigned to the part. Click the Add button in the lower left corner and the Add New Part Model box will open. Fill in all of the information on the box and then click OK. Now the new part model will appear on the Edit Manufacturers box. (Edit Manufacturer Screen)