Honeywell Scanner
Compatibility Notes
Please update the Chrome browser on the Honeywell to Chrome v101 so that the Teardown app is sized correctly. -JW 2022-05-18
Setting up a Honeywell Scanner
ScanPal EDA71
These are the screens you set through to set up the honeywell device
Settings -> Honeywell Settings -> Scan Settings -> Internal Scanner -> Default profile -> Data Processing Settings
Wedge = checked
Wedge Method = Keyboard
no Prefix
no Suffix
Wedge as keys = empty input
Enterprise LX Honeywell config info
A global database setting "Scanner Mode (ambleMode,honeywell)" needs to be set to "honeywell"
The current default is ambleMode which may change in the near future. The following query will let you check on the setting. Note: A user has to have logged into an lx app before the default settings are present.
, `setting`.`location`
, `setting`.`name`
, `globalsettingvalue`.`value`
, `setting`.`defaultvalue`
, `setting`.`scope`
, `setting`.`settingtype`
, `value`=`defaultvalue` AS isdefault
INNER JOIN `setting`
ON (`globalsettingvalue`.`settingid` = `setting`.`settingid`)
WHERE (`setting`.`name` = 'Scanner Mode (ambleMode,honeywell)');