Several elements of ITrack and ITrack software utilize barcodes. All ITrack products should utilize a similar barcoding scheme.
Preamble and postamble
Virtually every barcode scanner can be programmed to simulate a keypress combination before entering the barcode contents (the preamble) and after (postamble).
ITrack Pro
ITrack Pro document screens (Sales, Quotes, Purchase Orders) expect a preamble of Ctrl+b and a postamble of \n.
The document screens will take whatever value is between those characters and do a lookup by partnum (the value encoded in barcodes on ITrack Pro tags), and if no values are found by partnum, by UPC (the value encoded into the barcodes printed on most products).
Workclock and LX
Both the workclock system and LX expect the barcode scanner to provide a preamble and postamble of ':$:'.
Barcode contents
Depending on the context, the barcode will encode different types of values.
Identified by a raw number (no character preface, starts with a digit). Numbers with less than 10 digits are assumed to be the primary key of an inventory record (inventoryid in Enterprise, partnum in Pro). Numbers with greater than 10 digits are assumed to be UPC codes.
Location barcodes are prefaced with % - the rest of the text is a string with the location name/identifier.
ITrack User
Prefaced with U - Signifies that the rest of the barcode contains a user id, referencing an ITrack user account
Work Order Job
Prefaced with J - Signifies that the rest of the barcode contains a job id, referencing a work order job.
Serialized parts
Other, context-sensitive
Prefaced with + - Signifies that the rest of the barcode contains a context-sensitive command, which will probably not have meaning outside of magical bar-code applications.
- CLOCKIN - Clocks the selected user into a selected job
- CLOCKOUT - Clocks the selected user out of an active job