ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 16
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Release 16.2
Sales Orders (18786)
- Fixed: (case 26548) an issue where customer messages set to "On Customer Added to Invoice" would not display on the invoice (though ones that were "Display Everywhere" were working correctly).
Release 16.1
EBay (17570)
- Corrected issues with holds and invoices for ebay records.
Global Settings (17572)
- Corrected issues with holds and invoices for ebay records.
Inventory Overview (17567)
- Fixed: (case 25634) an issue where the user's choice of stores was being ignored when they would open the screen, possibly causing extra slowdowns if they didn't wish to review all stores' data.
Work Orders (18446)
- Fixed: (case 25816) is issue where launching the choose serial # dialog from the edit item dialog would cause an application crash.
Release 16.0
- Better handling of exporting, graphing, and icons when right clicking on lists in the software.
- New accounting summary page on the accounting screen. This tab is an interactive accounting report that shows all general ledger activity on a date range, grouped by account. This tool is aimed to make accounting research easier. The user can drill down into any group of activity, which is displayed on the accounting detail page.
- To further improve accounting research, double-clicking an item on the account detail page will take the user to the corresponding document screen. In addition, the sales order, work order, and payment interfaces all have the ability to send the user back to the accounting screen to show all accounting history associated with the document.
- Work order screen now stops the user if the WO they're finalizing is not properly configured to perform all accounting. In addition, dropdowns have been added to the accounting screen for easily configuring important accounting settings.
- The QuickBooks export page now has an (optional) QB customer account field. The user can perform a lookup using this field to choose an account from QB that should be associated with all exported activity. If an account is chosen this way, it allows QB integrations to use special QB accounts, such as Accounts Receivable as well as Undeposited Funds.
- The 'choose report to print' popup that occurs when printing some reports now has a 'favorite' checkbox that allows a user to choose a specific report they prefer to always sort to the top, making some reports faster to print.
- Easier management of serials on purchase orders. It automatically pops up to ask the user to enter serials when they receive quantity. Also, its now faster and easier to mark serials as received.
- The QB export screen now pro-actively tells the user if any accounts have not been mapped to quickbooks.
- Sales have been added to the vehicle break even graph on the vehicles screen, making vehicle performance easier to understand.
- Added: If there is more than one page of results to display on any multi-page list, the user is prompted to load all results before finishing the export/graph operation.
- Added: when the user right clicks in any list control, there are now icons in the context menu corresponding to the export to csv/html/graph options.
- Added: the 'execute saved graph template' submenu in the right click options now shows a graph type specific icon next to each saved chart. For example, a saved pie chart will show a pie chart icon.
- Changed: by default now, list control tooltips only appear if the cell text is too large to fit into the cell.
- Added: (case 23714) double-clicking SO and WO accounting entries now correctly opens the corresponding document.
- Renamed: various tabs on the accounting screen have been renamed to make their purpose clearer to those with bookkeeping experience.
- Fixed: sorting of accounts in the chart of accounts to keep items in better numeric order.
- Added: (case 24000) an initial version of a new accounting summary page. This tab is an interactive accounting report that shows all general ledger activity on a date range, grouped by account.
- Added: double-clicking an entry on the accounting summary page will now bring the user to the detail page with all appropriate filters entered.
- Added: account name on the activity detail page.
- Added: auto-complete support for the account filter. The user can look an account up by either name or number.
- Fixed: the accounting summary and detail tabs now correctly save column order and widths.
- Changed: the activity detail page now splits amount into credits and debits columns for easier review.
- Removed: the activity detail and summary pages now no longer refresh by default.
- Added: activity detail page now shows gl transaction id and context. Also, the color alternation now alternates by transaction.
- Fixed: an issue where activity summary would crash if gl entries were found with no corresponding accounts.
- Changed: the account activity detail page no longer requires that the transaction data stay grouped together. Now they are grouped by transaction initially, but the user can still sort the items to reorder them.
- Added: some footer totals to the accounting summary page.
- Added: the accounting summary page now has an Impact column. This column shows the net effect on the account, showing a positive or negative value depending on whether that account type is increased or decreased by a net credit or debit.
- Changed: moved the date ranges on the accounting summary and detail filters to the top of the filter areas, as it is the most important.
- Added: (case 23776) the accounting detail page now loads all gl entry history before the user exports or graphs the contents of the list.
- Added: (case 23999) support for the user sending payments, sales orders, and work orders to the screen to view all accounting detail associated with that document.
- Fixed: an issue where the previous version of the Activity Summary by Account screen was incorrectly calculating the "Impact" column for revenue accounts. Now revenue accounts correctly project a positive impact due to credits.
- Added: support for icons in right click menus.
- Fixed: the date ranges on the accounting history detail and summary pages now handle date and times correctly.
- Added: categories tab now has some dropdowns for the user to easily set several important settings for GL category, such as the gl category for EPA charges, shop fees, misc line items, and new part records.
- Fixed: (case 25370) an issue where the user could not add a new GL category with the add button.
- Added: the default gl category for returned dirty cores (used on the core management screen) can now be set on the accounting screen like other important gl categories.
- Added: tooltips for the gl category setting dropdowns on the category page.
- Removed: a redundant permission for controlling whether a user can perform credit approvals.
- Added: (case 24131) the price approvals tab now uses the list of stores the user has permission to approve prices at to build the list to display. This allows users to be granted permission to approve prices at more than one store.
- Fixed: right clicking in the price approvals list now correctly shows options for opening the part/document/customer/etc.
- Added: icons to right click menus.
Common Resources
- Added: the user can now email images that are public, private, or both.
- Added: the email field that was labeled 'Subject' was actually being put into the body of the email. There is now a subject field the user can change. There is now a proper custom email body template field as well.
- Fixed: (case 24862) to bring tag printing in line with other interfaces, the "Unprinted" column has been renamed to Printed and had its meaning flipped. This is because parts and search now have columns that track whether a tag has been printed, instead of whether a tag still needs to be printed.
- Changed: the EditChoiceDialog now has a more reasonable default message if the user does not enter a value before hitting ok.
Core Management
- Fixed: if a company has accounting turned off, the core management screen will no longer complain that no default dirty core gl category has been chosen.
- Fixed: right clicking on the customer core list now correctly shows the options presented in the export button.
- Added: support for icons in right click menus.
- Fixed: if the user is returning a core to a different store than it was originally created at, the core bank tag # will now correctly show up on the returned tab. This does not effect what happens when you inventory or discard cores.
Crystal Reports
- Fixed: (case 25279) an issue where options in the 'choose report' popup were not strictly in alphabetical order.
- Added: the choose report popup (report diambiguation dialog) has been reworked. It now shows orientation as well as whether that report is a favorite of the user's. Favorite reports are automatically sorted to the top.
- Added: (case 23999) when the user opens a payment in the payment detail popup dialog, there is now a 'show document accounting' button that shows the user all accounting history for that payment.
Customer List
- Fixed: (case 24597) an issue where certain symbols (including + and -) might cause an issue with smart searches if they were used in the middle of a word. This was disrupting the ability to easily search for phone #'s. Now, a - at the start of a word means "exclude this word", but a - in the middle of a word will be treated differently.
- Added: (case 24246) for backwards compatibility, there is now a global setting that controls whether all customer smart searches will have an implied wildcard (*) at the end of what the user searched for. This is to make the search work more like it did before the recent speed improvements in version 14. This setting defaults to on and is located at "Customer List"->"Automatically add wildcard (*) to the end of smart searches".
- Fixed: an issue where the smart search handler would add a * to the end of some fulltext searches despite the fact that putting a * after a quotation mark caused a FTS error.
- Fixed: (case 23582) the price acceptability functions no longer enforce rules for components of a Kit on sales orders. Also, the average cost of the kit parent item is now always considered to be $0, to match what is shown on the SO screen.
- Added: (case 15836) f_create_core_inventory now correctly reads the existing setting for default dirty core gl category and uses it for new core inventory records.
- Changed: as per case 15836, several gl contexts have been renamed to make their purpose clearer.
- Fixed: (case 24725) an issue where the f_has_aging function might not exist on the database because the previous definition had a bug.
- Fixed: an issue where serials would count as on hold even though the sales order line had the hold checkbox unchecked.
- Deprecated: an unreferenced table called useraddress. It has been renamed to DEPRECATED_useraddress in case anyone has any data in that table. This will be removed at some point in the future.
- Added: (case 24079) a permission that controls whether the user can refund a customer for a core charge (instead of performing an exchange).
- Changed: (case 16011) the f_returnablesalesorderlincount no longer counts job lineitems as returnable.
- Added: the cost discrepancy table now captures the GL category of the inventory at that moment.
Data Management
- Changed: the buttons below the mappable fields have been renamed to more accurately describe their function.
- Fixed: an issue where changing the custom mapping with the popup dialog would still say "Set Default". Also, instead of a radio button that says "None" there is now an option that allows the user to clear their custom mapping.
- Fixed: (Case 15883) PayPal Immediate Pay UI/Dialog behavior has been added.
- Fixed: (Case 15883) Fixed an error when checking from the edit menu for PayPal Immediate Pay.
Global Settings
- Fixed: a query for loading report print history is now compatible with mysql version 5.7.
- Added: all home screen property pages now automatically load all pages of results if the user attempts to export or graph the results. This is to help the user so they do not have to export each page of results separately.
Inventory Overview
- Fixed: some weirdly sized buttons.
- Added: icons to right click menus.
- Added: the "All Items..." right click submenu now has all the normal right-click list control options (export to csv/html, graph, run saved graph) that other lists have.
- Fixed: an issue where, after the first database error a user saw, no other database errors would be reported.
- Fixed: a minor issue where, if the stores a user had access at was changed, it might not take effect until the next login.
- Fixed: (case 24680) an issue where editing user groups would take a long time to save.
- Fixed: (case 24416) an issue where the code that changed comments in the query parser was dropping newlines when it should not, causing stored procedure/function definitions to be hard to read on client databases.
- Changed: the URL that updates are downloaded from, to support future migration of this service.
- Fixed: if the user is looking at the update download dialog and they do Actions->reset updates, the dialog is no longer closed and reopened.
- Fixed: (case 25241) a crash that could happen if the user hit "Hide" on the update download dialog, and then the system automatically checked for updates again in 5 minutes.
- Added: support for private attachments on emails.
- Fixed: an issue where a collection might not load items that were status C or D correctly, despite the fact that they were still loaded as part of the collection on the SO.
- Fixed: (case 24708) an issue where, if the user deselected all serials when performing an assembly breakdown, the quantity to disperse would get set to 0, even if integral parts were set to disperse.
- Changed: (case 24708) in the assembly breakdown dialog, the serial # list is no longer a 'sticky list'. This is because selecting a different (single) serial # is a more common operation, so this makes the common case easier/faster.
- Changed: the Q&A page now labels the 'Default' serial "Default Serial Q&A" to make its purpose clearer.
- Changed: non-serialized parts no longer require that the user select the Default serial to edit Q&A. Also, non-serialized parts grey out the serial # list to make things clearer.
- Changed: Option/Value are now labeled Question/Answer to correspond to the other interfaces.
- Fixed: hitting "Add serial" button now automatically puts the user's focus into the new serial's serial #.
- Added: icons to the add/remove serial # buttons.
- Added: right click menu icons to the attachment interface. Also, rephrased delete attachment to unattach in the right click menu.
- Fixed: (case 24835) a crash that could occur if the user closed and reopened the images popup.
- Fixed: an issue where the gl category dropdown would not be editable if the user unchecked the "Automatic gl category" checkbox.
- Fixed: (case 25040) an issue where the tooltip for the tag printed checkbox had not been changed to reflect the way those checkboxes work now.
- Added: (case 893) when saving an aftermarket part, when the user is asked if they wish to replicate a part between stores, there is now a "Replicate to all stores" button for easy replication.
Purchase Orders
- Fixed: (case 24383) an issue where loading items onto a PO or TO that had messages would cause the user's focus to move away from the list control.
- Added: (case 25220) the icon for allowing the user to update inventory cost if it didn't match purchase price is now hidden if the user does not have permission to update inventory cost.
- Fixed: (case 25151) an issue where loading and resaving a PO could cause the fax # saved with the vendor address to disappear from the PO. This could affect some reports that loaded vendor fax # from the PO.
- Added: (case 25144) when the user changes the quantity received of a serialized lineitem on a purchase order, and not enough serials have been added, the add new serial popup will automatically be shown.
- Added: if the user hits receive all on a PO, the serials are automatically marked as received.
- Added: if the user adds a serial to a PO, and quantity received is already set, the serials are automatically marked as received.
- Fixed: layout of all quickbooks accounting pages to match the rest of the software.
- Changed: the QB gl entries push tab now organizes its data into a tree based on day, since the user can only export an entire day at a time, making sorting and exporting easier.
- Added: icons to all buttons on the QB accounting tabs.
- Changed: the modal result dialogs are now a bit more descriptive.
- Changed: the columns now resize appropriately to fit accounting data.
- Added: 'wait' cursor during loading any QB accounting screen.
- Added: doubleclicking rows in the journal entry push tab now shows the user the detailed entries that make up that row.
- Fixed: an issue where the journal entry push page might crash if there is nothing to export.
- Added: the journal push tab now has a "Mapped in QB" column. This says whether the account associated with the journal entry is mapped between ITrack and QB or not.
- Added: (case 24843) there is now a field for entering the name of a QB customer and a verify button. If the user enters a valid customer name and hits verify, ITrack attempts to find that customer in QB. If this is successful, that customer is automatically associated with all journal entries pushed to QB. This makes it so that the user can push journal entries to accounts in QB that require a customer account, such as Accounts Receivable and Undeposited Funds.
- Fixed: if the user hits push to QB and no journal entries' accounts are mapped, it no longer tries to push anything.
- Fixed: a crash that could occur in ITrack if the system was unable to retrieve the account mapping from QB. Now an error popup is shown to the user instead to let them know what error QB returned.
Sales Orders
- Fixed: (case 24383) an issue where loading items onto a SO that had messages would cause the user's focus to move away from the list control.
- Added: (case 23535) there is now a warning if the user intentionally adds the same customer core return to the same invoice more than once.
- Fixed: (case 23864) an issue where the configure adjustments dialog was allowing the user to edit fields on restricted adjustment types.
- Added: configure adjustments dialog now remembers the user's last placement position.
- Changed: the user can no longer change the price of child items in a kit. This has been done to match the fact that price acceptability is no longer enforced on those items, and instead only enforced on the parent of a kit.
- Fixed: (case 24002) several other situations where inherent core refunds were using the Core Return gl context instead of Core Sale.
- Fixed: the user can now delete inherent core refunds off of a sale, even if it has cost associated. (it was erroneously stopping the user because it thought it was an inherent core sale)
- Changed: selling core items outright now uses the "Sale" context instead of "Core Sale", since that is reserved for inherent core charges.
- Added: (case 23999) so long as the user has permission to open the accounting screen, there is now a right click option to view the currently loaded SO's accounting history on the accounting screen. This operation can also be done with the advanced drop down button.
- Added: (case 23999) so long as the user has permission to open the accounting screen, there is now a right click option in the payment list to view that payment's accounting history on the accounting screen.
- Added: right-click menu icons.
- Fixed: the save options popup is now labeled Save/Print options and the cancel button is labeled "Cancel Save" now.
- Fixed: (case 25042) an issue where the first item that would be added to an existing SO would get a quantity of 0 if the user did not explicitly set it to anything else.
- Fixed: the configure payment methods dialog now correctly sets the user's focus into the new payment method for quick entry.
- Changed: (case 24816) if a core charge has been rejected on the core management screen, the user can no longer perform a manual core exchange for that core charge. The user can still refund that charge.
- Fixed: (case 25263) an issue where (while selling a vehicle) the "choose parts to leave in inventory popup" would end up putting cost onto the components left in inventory equal to the amount already allocated to these parts. This had the effect of doubling the intended allocation of cost onto the components left in inventory.
- Fixed: the popup for choosing which vehicle components to leave in inventory now correctly calculates the remaining/unallocated vehicle cost. In addition, this popup now properly takes into account the company settings that control whether cost and/or average cost are considered when computing the amount of vehicle cost 'allocated' to parts off of that vehicle. If the user updates the 'cost' field in this popup, the difference will be put into average cost or cost, depending on which the company uses to store vehicle cost allocations. The cost field on this popup is not editable if the company does not consider either field when dealing with vehicle cost allocations. The tooltip on the cost column has been changed to more accurately reflect its use.
- Fixed: if the user sells an assembly with components that are in stock (and chooses which 'child' components to leave in stock), the cost of the assembly on the invoice should no longer be set to 0.
- Added: (case 24079) there is now a permission that controls whether the user can refund a customer for core charges. Without the permission, the user can still perform core exchanges. This is to help in situations where users accidentally refund core charges instead of doing an exchange.
- Added: (case 21958) there is now a store setting that controls whether salespeople are allowed to return inventory on an invoice without selecting a return reason. (Note: the reason N/A counts as no choice with regard to this setting).
- Changed: (case 16011) non-returnable items can no longer be returned on the same invoice it was sold.
- Changed: (case 16011) job line items are no longer returnable. If there is a mistake with a WO it should now be voided or reopened.
- Fixed: (case 24385) an issue where the "Dismantled True/False" vehicle search field was working backwards.
- Fixed: (case 24461) an issue where wildcard searches in the model dropdown would search the part's 'actual' model name instead of the parent model name.
- Fixed: (case 24835) a crash that could occur if the user closed and reopened the images popup.
- Fixed: (case 24835) an issue where closing the image viewer between searches could cause ITrack to crash.
- Fixed: the popup that would appear if there were no tags to print now correctly tells the user to uncheck (instead of check) the availability column to reprint tags.
- Fixed: (case 25385) possible query errors that the user could encounter if they smart searched for a string containing "*/". Now, this will no longer cause an issue.
Transaction List
- Fixed: (case 23881) when a saved transaction list filter is loaded or run, fields that were not saved in that filter (usually default fields) are now correctly unchecked.
- Added: support for private attachments on emails.
- Added: support for all 4 'flex' fields as information in vehicle emails.
- Added: right click menu icons to the attachment interface. Also, rephrased delete attachment to unattach in the right click menu.
- Fixed: (case 24835) a crash that could occur if the user closed and reopened the images popup.
- Fixed: (Case 25369) The Vehicle break even graph tab now takes quantity into account.
- Added: (Case 25369) The vehicle break even graph now shows sales.
- Fixed: (Case 25369) The vehicle break even graph now correctly displays the graph when coming from the search screen.
Vendor List
- Fixed: (case 24597) an issue where certain symbols (including + and -) might cause an issue with smart searches if they were used in the middle of a word. This was disrupting the ability to easily search for phone #'s. Now, a - at the start of a word means "exclude this word", but a - in the middle of a word will be treated differently.
- Added: (case 24246) for backwards compatibility, there is now a global setting that controls whether all vendor smart searches will have an implied wildcard (*) at the end of what the user searched for. This is to make the search work more like it did before the recent speed improvements in version 14. This setting defaults to on and is located at "Vendor List"->"Automatically add wildcard (*) to the end of smart searches".
Work Orders
- Added: (case 23999) so long as the user has permission to open the accounting screen, there is now a right click option to view the currently loaded WO's accounting history on the accounting screen. This operation can also be done with the advanced drop down button.
- Added: right-click menu icons.
- Fixed: (case 25184) when an WO that has not been finalized is loaded, all calculated values are now recomputed. This fixes an issue where WOs with work clock entries might not re-compute to have the right totals if the shop supplies are a percent of the labor charge.
- Added: when the user saves a work order, its now saved as a single transaction. This means, if there are any errors while saving or finalizing a WO, the entire operation is reversed instead of leaving things halfway.
- Changed: if accounting failed during a WO save, the WO save is now rolled back. This should prevent any issues where quantity is adjusted but accounting failed.
- Changed: WIP and final accounting is now only refreshed if accounting is enabled to speed things up.
- Added: (case 23298) if a user saves a WO, accounting is turned on, the user is now warned if any accounting would be impossible. This solves issues where epa charges/shop fees/labor/ or parts are not properly configured in accounting but have non-zero amounts to account. This is only a warning when saving, but an error if the user is attempting to finalize the WO.
- Added: when performing a breakdown, the WO is now saved in a single transaction so that if anything fails, all changes will be rolled back.