ITrack/Host.ini Settings

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Name Explanation Possible/Example Value(s)
title The title of the specific ITrack product. Also where ITrack looks in the registry for a product code ITrack Pro, ITrack Enterprise, ITrack AX
type The text in the title bar the displays next to the product name Inventory Management System
updatedir Directory where ITrack downloads new updates .\updates
reportsdir Directory where ITrack looks for reports \\<SERVERNAME>\ITrack\reports
imagesdir Directory where ITrack looks for and saves images \\<SERVERNAME>\ITrack\images
attachdir Directory where ITrack looks for and saves attachments \\<SERVERNAME>\ITrack\attachments
defaultscreen Determines which screen will be the first to display after login Home
htmode Defines whether or not the "Appraise" button is displayed on the search screen. False
storenumber The default store # to use 1
loadimages Defines whether or not images load on the Parts and Vehicles screen true
multiplestores Defines whether or not a company has multiple stores false
masterdir The directory where itrack.exe(Master) is located .
saveandprint Setting that remembers the state of the "And Print" checkbox on the Quote screen 0
saveandprintpo Setting that remembers the state of the "And Print" checkbox on the Purchase Order screen 0
taxitem Sales Tax
browsertype Whether to use the system default browser or ITrack Online Internal OR External
maphost Which online map service to use Google, Yahoo, or MapQuest


Name Explanation Possible/Example Value(s)
minwidth Minimum window width that ITrack can be at 800
minheight Minimum window height that ITrack can be at 600


Name Explanation Possible/Example Value(s)
logfile This creates a text file that logs sql queries coming from the system log.sql
database The name of the database used itrackenterprise
port Port used by the MySQL server 3306
hostname The network location of the MySQL server. servername


Name Explanation Possible/Example Value(s)


Name Explanation Possible/Example Value(s)


Name Explanation Possible/Example Value(s)


Name Explanation Possible/Example Value(s)


Name Explanation Possible/Example Value(s)


Name Explanation Possible/Example Value(s)


Name Explanation Possible/Example Value(s)


Name Explanation Possible/Example Value(s)
auto_check_delay Amount of time, in seconds, to wait between updater checks 900: Fifteen minutes between update checks
idle_time_before_prompting Amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the user to be idle before popping up the Update Now dialog 1800: A half-hour of no movement on the terminal


Name Explanation Possible/Example Value(s)


Name Explanation Possible/Example Value(s)


Name Explanation Possible/Example Value(s)


Name Explanation Possible/Example Value(s)