ITrack/Reports print out with wrong size or orientation
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Sometimes a report will print out successfully, but will print landscape instead of portrait (or vice versa) or will not fit on the page correctly.
- Windows thinks that the page is the wrong size.
- Crystal thinks that the page is the wrong size.
- If Windows is confused, the printer properties in Windows will have to be changed to reflect your printer and paper.
In case this is the problem, check to make sure all the settings for your printer are correct. (Find the printer in Windows, go into its properties, look at the margins, page setup, orientation, etc.) To double-check that everything is set correctly, try comparing your printer's settings against another printer that you already know prints things out how they should be printed out.
- If Crystal is confused, the report itself will have to be modified, or (more likely) the width/height/orientation settings changed in the database.