ITrack/Migrating a server

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  • To access services in the UI, go to Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services
  • To start the MySQL service from the command line: net start mysql or net start mysql5
  • To stop the MySQL service from the command line: net stop mysql or net stop mysql5

Note: Before making the switch, warn customer/users that ITrack will not work while the move is happening.

Server Side

  1. Stop the MySQL service on the "old ITrack server"
  2. Set it to not start on "automatically"
  3. Create a share on the old ITrack server
  4. Copy the ITrack database from C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\data to the share you just created
  5. On the new ITrack server, install MySQL server
  6. Stop the MySQL service on the new server
  7. Use explorer to navigate to the share on the old server
  8. Copy the ITrack database directory to the MySQL data directory on the new server
  9. Start the MySQL service on the new server.
  10. Install SQLYog
  11. Create a new user in the mysql database that ITrack will use to connect to the server
  12. Change all client machines to be pointed to the new server's name/IP
  13. Create an ITrack share on the new server.
  14. Move the reports, images, attachments directories from the old server to the share on the new server

Client Side

  1. Change the "hostname" in all clients host.ini to be the name/IP of the new server.
  2. Change the "server" in the ODBC to the name/IP of the new server.
  3. Change the reports, images, attachments to point to the share on the new server.
  4. Double check to make sure everything is working properly.