Presage/Severity Class Management
In Presage, the concept of a severity classes builds on the understanding of process zones and product proximities. All three of these items can be customized in Presage on the Manage Severity Classes page on the Analysis Management screen.
Process Zones:
A process zone in Presage represents a set of areas in a plant that share a quality. The list of possible options can be edited in the Analysis Management screen, though some customizable defaults come packaged with the system. Common examples of process zones are things like:
- Packaging
- Receiving
- Cooking
These categorizations allow many locations to be grouped together into a single process zone, which makes reporting and scheduling analyses easier. Process Zones are assigned to locations and help to dictate what severity class that location falls under.
Product Proximities:
In Presage, product proximities represent how close the product comes to a particular location. Common examples are:
- Contact
- Non-contact
- Environmental
The list of available product proximities are customizable and can be managed in the Analysis Management screen, though some customizable defaults come packaged with the system. These proximity options are assigned to locations and help dictate what severity class that location falls under.
Severity Classes:
Severity classes represent how 'important' a location is. Categorizing zones and proximities into a couple severity classes allow the user to easily manage thousands of locations at once. This makes setting analysis threshholds and scheduling analyses much easier and quicker.
Severity classes are fully customizable, and can be managed on the Analysis Management screen, though several defaults come packaged with the system.
The user can pick a single severity class as the 'default' option, which will be used when no other option is chosen. In all other cases, the user can go to the Analysis Management screen and assign a severity class to each combination of product proximity in a particular process zone.