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==Presage Changelog==
==Presage Changelog==
==Update 7/2/2014==
* Fixed: an issue that was keeping the search for samples button from working.
* Fixed: (case 10855) an issue where locations might show the wrong plant's default severity class (display issue only).
* Fixed: (case 11273) an issue where configuring locations at a plant with no default severity class might cause a crash.
* Fixed: an issue where p_clone_data might create a clone with a 'date scheduled' other than the user expected.
* Added: (case 11549) a new permission controlling when someone can edit samples on the sample history screen.  This permission defaults to everyone with the permission to edit work orders.
* Added: (case 11550) a new permission controlling what plants a user can search on the sample history screen.  This permission defaults to the open screen permission level.
* Changed: p_get_subtree now accepts a string instead of an integer for its primary value.  This allows the user to pass in a comma separated list instead of a single value.  All previous queries will keep working as per usual.
* Fixed: p_get_subtree will no longer return ids that were passed in that are invalid or duplicate.
* Added: (case 11270) new stored procedure, p_get_subtree_by_lookup, which is like p_get_subtree, but it will find all results in the table that match a wild-card enabled string on a specified column, and then get the subtree that fits all matches.  This is a lot faster than running a query to get all matches, then running p_get_subtree for each result separately and then merging the results.
* Added: (case 11404) analysis option value columns will now size themselves automatically to fit the data type contained in that column.
* Fixed: (case 11581) an issue where the data management screen wasn't respecting the "Can open screen" permission for that screen.
* Added: support for adding the transaction list to Presage.
* Added: (case 11270) there is now a product dropdown the user can use to search samples by product.
* Changed: the user can no longer perform a search with no plants selected.
* Added: various UI elements are greyed out if the user doesn't have permission to them at all.
* Added: the location auto-complete field now allows the user to type from the middle by default.  All previous users will not be affected, but can change this preference in settings under "Auto-Complete".
* Fixed: an issue where handleWildcards was only replacing the first instance of a wildcard.
* Added: server-side support for product_id and product_name parameters.  product_name supports wildcards.  In either case, all child products will also be searched.
* Added: client-side support for product_id and product_name URL parameters.
* Added: date, time, and datetime fields now have the 'none' checkbox on the left, allowing the user to pass blank dates to reports, for situations were optional dates are desired.
* Fixed: an issue where report parameter choices were not being loaded correctly.

==Update 4/15/2014==
==Update 4/15/2014==

Revision as of 15:11, 2 July 2014

Presage Changelog

Update 7/2/2014


  • Fixed: an issue that was keeping the search for samples button from working.
  • Fixed: (case 10855) an issue where locations might show the wrong plant's default severity class (display issue only).
  • Fixed: (case 11273) an issue where configuring locations at a plant with no default severity class might cause a crash.


  • Fixed: an issue where p_clone_data might create a clone with a 'date scheduled' other than the user expected.
  • Added: (case 11549) a new permission controlling when someone can edit samples on the sample history screen. This permission defaults to everyone with the permission to edit work orders.
  • Added: (case 11550) a new permission controlling what plants a user can search on the sample history screen. This permission defaults to the open screen permission level.
  • Changed: p_get_subtree now accepts a string instead of an integer for its primary value. This allows the user to pass in a comma separated list instead of a single value. All previous queries will keep working as per usual.
  • Fixed: p_get_subtree will no longer return ids that were passed in that are invalid or duplicate.
  • Added: (case 11270) new stored procedure, p_get_subtree_by_lookup, which is like p_get_subtree, but it will find all results in the table that match a wild-card enabled string on a specified column, and then get the subtree that fits all matches. This is a lot faster than running a query to get all matches, then running p_get_subtree for each result separately and then merging the results.


  • Added: (case 11404) analysis option value columns will now size themselves automatically to fit the data type contained in that column.


  • Fixed: (case 11581) an issue where the data management screen wasn't respecting the "Can open screen" permission for that screen.
  • Added: support for adding the transaction list to Presage.


  • Added: (case 11270) there is now a product dropdown the user can use to search samples by product.
  • Changed: the user can no longer perform a search with no plants selected.
  • Added: various UI elements are greyed out if the user doesn't have permission to them at all.
  • Added: the location auto-complete field now allows the user to type from the middle by default. All previous users will not be affected, but can change this preference in settings under "Auto-Complete".


  • Fixed: an issue where handleWildcards was only replacing the first instance of a wildcard.
  • Added: server-side support for product_id and product_name parameters. product_name supports wildcards. In either case, all child products will also be searched.
  • Added: client-side support for product_id and product_name URL parameters.


  • Added: date, time, and datetime fields now have the 'none' checkbox on the left, allowing the user to pass blank dates to reports, for situations were optional dates are desired.


  • Fixed: an issue where report parameter choices were not being loaded correctly.

Update 4/15/2014


  • Changed: the layout and text of the columns in the analysis option values list have been adjusted to be more human readable.
  • Fixed: an issue where extra empty thresholds were being inserted.
  • Added: a new column in the choice/threhold list, 'Global'. Global thresholds apply to all plants. Non-global thresholds apply to only the current plant. The global column now defaults to checked.
  • Added: switching whether a threshold has a product or severity class now switches whether a threshold can be global.
  • Added: the product column is now populated with the products that apply to the current plant.


  • Fixed: an issue where the WO screen might show the wrong analysis options if more than one analysis shared the same name.
  • Added: (case 10513) support for showing only checked options in the search results.
  • Added: the sample detail list now has a column for product, which is populated with all valid products for the sample's plant.
  • Fixed: (case 10750) the choice dropdowns for samples now limit the options based on the plant of the sample, the severity class of the location (or the default severity class if there is no location), the product of the sample (if any), and all parent products of that product.


  • Fixed: crash that would happen if you opened the screen with an empty product list.
  • Added: (case 10778) saving a product with an empty name field will now result in an error popup.
  • Fixed: (case 10778) a crash error that could occur when adding a product underneath a product that was not 'in use' at the current plant.
  • Added: (case 10775) hitting the add button will now add a sibling instead of a child product.


  • Changed: (Case 10466) when searching analyses, all options are now unchecked by default.
  • Added: (case 10513) only analysis options that are checked will show in the search results.

INI updates:

  • Fixed: the urls that control the manual, credits, and changelog are now presage specific.
  • Changed: (case 5938) the homepage for ITrack Online is now http://www.presageanalytics.com/.


  • Updated: the plantid of existing analysisoptionchoice entries should now be filled out.
  • Added: sample.plantid. This tracks the plant a sample was taken at. This was required because location is now optional on samples, which was the only gauranteed way to find plantid before. The initial value of this field has been set based on location or workorder.
  • Added: new function, f_find_applicable_thresholds. This function will create a TEMPORARY TABLE TEMP_applicable_thresholds and fills it with all entries from analysisoptionchoice, remarking on each whether it applies to the specified parameters and otherwise, why not. This will be very useful for showing what constraints are applicable to an analysis value.
  • Added: new function, f_check_applicable_thresholds. This function calls f_find_applicable_thresholds to get all thresholds that apply to the parameters, then does type specific casting in order to check to see which (if any) of the applicable constraints are violated by the value specified. This will be very useful for showing 'why' a value is coming up "Unacceptible" or "Marginal", etc.
  • Changed: f_get_value_acceptability no longer calculates directly, but instead calls f_check_applicable_thresholds and returns the 'worst' violation.
  • Added: f_get_value_acceptability now accepts a productid and plantid as arguments. This is required because the threholds now have more restrictions (global/plant specific, and per product or global).


  • Added: support for products in the sample list.

Update 4/3/2014

  • Added: (case 10778) saving a product with an empty name field will now result in an error popup.
  • Fixed: (case 10778) a crash error that could occur when adding a product underneath a product that was not 'in use' at the current plant.

Update 3/31/2014


  • Changed: (Case 10612) if the user prints a report with 'advanced options', the printer dialog that pops up now has a quantity field on it, which will be used to override the number of copies to print.


  • Added: the sample table now has an optional reference to the product table for when samples begin to be collected for products.
  • Added: the analysisoptionchoice can now have a reference to a product, allowing thresholds to be product specific.
  • Changed: products are now global, except there is the ability to specify which plants each product is "In Use" at.
  • Changed: p_get_location_subtree has been generalized into p_get_subtree, which can return a group_concat of primary keys of any simple hierarchical table.
  • Added: support for product attachments.
  • Added: permission for modifying products.


  • Added: "Show inactive products" checkbox, which filters the product tree to just active products.
  • Added: add/delete buttons to the bottom of the screen similar to the add/delete buttons on the location interface.
  • Added: Similar to deleting analyses and locations, the system now checks to see if deleting a product is 'safe' (IE if its currently in use on saved samples or analyses). 'Unsafe' deletes require a permission to complete.
  • Added: the product detail page now fills data out as the user selects products, and changing values is updated in the tree immediately.
  • Added: there is now a "Show this product at the current plant" checkbox, which is a per-plant setting controlling whether a specific plant wishes to see the specified product in its product list.
  • Added: saving products now properly updates, creates, and deletes products.
  • Fixed: hitting the refresh/reset button now correctly reloads data from the database, discarding changes.
  • Added: there is now a column for whether each product is in use at the current plant. This will switch automatically as the user switches plants.
  • Added: The "show inactive products" now remembers the user's last choice.
  • Added: permission for whether user can modify products. The user must have global permission to add/edit/delete products.
  • Added: product attachments are now functional. The attachments tab now displays the number of attachments loaded for the currently selected product.
  • Added: adding and removing products now works as expected.
  • Added: new products inherit many options from the parent Product.
  • Added: the category dropdown now shows all previously entered product categories.
  • Fixed: an issue where deleting a product would delete all child products, no matter what the user chose.


  • Fixed: an issue where the WO screen might show the wrong analysis options if more than one analysis shared the same name.

Update 3/19/2014


  • Fixed: (case 10522) an issue where changing plant in the analysis screen wouldn't refresh the options in the severity class dropdown for thresholds.
  • Added: there are 2 new columns in the analysis list which allow the user to control how many copies of the sample tag and testing tag get printed out when printing WOs. These settings are plant-specific so each plant can have different quantities for the same analysis.
  • Changed: the apply and reset buttons have been re-arranged to match the apply and cancel button order in most windows applications.
  • Changed: the pop-ups that happen when the user is going to delete an analysis are now more consistent and show the number of samples and scheduled locations that will be deleted always.


  • Added: (case 10609) the user can now print a quantity of tags other than 1. The last reprint quantity is remembered, so reprinting the same number of tags in the future is easy.


  • Removed: some (now) unused fields from the analysis table.
  • Fixed: the version of f_get_next_day_of_week that was released previously was out of date.
  • Added: a new permission for allowing access to the product management screen.
  • Added: (case 10551) table for storing product information.


  • Added: (case 10551) a new 'product management' screen, wherein the user can manage products, ingredients, and recipes.
  • Changed: the attachments button has been removed and replaced with an attachments page.
  • Added: the plant dropdown is now filled with plants.
  • Added: opening the screen now properly loads all products into the product tree, but the user cannot edit them yet.


  • Added: (case 10187) the plant auto-complete dropdown now only shows the user options for the set of plants that are selected.
  • Changed: this screen is now called "Sampling History" in the main menu.


  • Fixed: an issue where new work orders were saving the date, but not the time they were created.