Quickbooks/How to reconcile a bank statement

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  1. Click on Banking and then click on Reconcile
  2. Select the account you wish to reconcile
  3. Set the statement date
  4. Enter in your ending balance from your statement. You may also choose to enter in an service charge. ISoft enters services charges as bills, so we don't do this step.
  5. Click the Continue button
  6. Using your statement as a guide, check off the items that you would like to reconcile. Debits are on the left, credits on the right. In the bottom right of the screen you will see box that contains "Ending Balance," "Cleared Balance," and "Difference." Make sure your Difference is zero to confirm you have checked off all the correct items and your account is in balance.
  7. Once you are finished checking items and your Difference is zero, you have 2 options:
    1. If it is the end of the month, click the Reconcile Now button. After you are done running the reconciliation, you will have the option to print a Reconciliation Summary.
    2. If it is NOT the end of the month, click the Leave button. You will not lose any of the information you have entered. This is just a handy way to keep track of what has cleared prior to the end of the month. We recommend that our customers do this at least a few times each week so that at the end of the month you aren't having to sort through 30 days worth of payments and deposits.