Ebay templates

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Templates are used to fill in the various fields in Turbo Lister. These templates are part type specific (ex. one template for engines another for transmissions) but if a part type doesn't have a template assigned to it, the default template will be used instead. These templates support html and will keep your html whole on export.

Creating Templates

To create a template simply get one of your normal description fields and fill it out with tags. The tags will be replaced with part specific data when you add it to the listings page.

Images in Templates

To put a parts picture into a template use the link "http://www.cyclerecyclers.net/image.php?productcode={?Productcode}&inventoryid={?PartNum}&imageid=X" (where x is the number which just represents the numeric ordinal of the image (if excluded 1 is assumed))

  • NOTE: if there are more image tags than there are images they will show up with an image not found image


General Tags

Tag Tag gets replaced with
{?Make} The part's make
{?Model} The part's model
{?Year} The part's year
{?Description} The part's description
{?Price} The part's price
{?Manufacturer} The part's assembly manufacturer
{?AssemblyModel} The part's assembly model
{?PartType} The part's type
{?Category} The part's eBay category
{?Store} The part's store
{?ProductCode} The a stores product code
{?TagNumber} The part's tag number
{?Condition} The part's Condition
{?FlexLabelX} The part's flex label (X should be replaced by a number between 1 and 4)
{?FlexValueX} The part's flex value (X should be replaced by a number between 1 and 4}

ITrack Pro Tags

Tag Tag gets replaced with
{?PartNum} The part's specific part number

ITrack Enterprise Tags

{?InventoryID} The part's inventory id
{?PartNumber} The part's Vendor Part Number