Difference between revisions of "ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog"

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All dates shown are when files were put on the Auto-Updater.  Users can manually check for new updates in ITrack by going to the '''Actions''' menu (at the top) > '''Updater''' > '''Check for updates'''.
Below, find change logs for each release of ITrack Enterprise. Generally a version will be marked as 'live' (generally available release), and one or more versions will be marked as 'release candidates' meaning they are in testing and are available soon to the general public (and immediately to anyone interested in beta testing).
===VinPower Installer===
* Fixed: this version will install to the current directory, no matter where the install is.
* Fixed: an issue where ITrack.exe would write an unnecessary additional newline between update tasks in the update.todo file.
* Fixed: issue where the return dialog didn't resize correctly.
* Fixed: an issue with the interchange options dialog resizing.
* Fixed: an issue where updater.exe would write update tasks to the .todo file that could not be run (this would only happen if the user restarted after failed updates).
* Fixed: an issue where the user could not type the full 40 characters that are allowed in the 4 'more' fields on parts (they couldn't type past the end of the edit box).
* Fixed: issue where using the manufacturer part # lookup field wasn't filling out the assembly model.
* Performance: eliminated several unnecessary and redundant queries. This will significantly improve manufacturer/model lookup times, depending on connection speed.
===Payment Entry===
* Fixed: an error where an old payment method field was being looked for that was recently removed.
* Removed: references to removed payment method fields.
* Fixed: an issue where loading a part would load the make, but the model list wouldn't populate.
* Fixed: a crash that could happen when model was changed and set as a field that logs changes.
* Fixed: a crash that could be caused if the user typed in the part type # edit box.
* Fixed: issue where changing some fields on the parts screen could cause a crash due to a mix of old and new combos.
* Fixed: an issue where hitting the save button might cause 2 save operations to happen.
* Fixed: the side dropdown now has options in it again.
* Fixed: an issue where sorted dropdown boxes weren't sorting their items.
===VinPower Installer===
* Updated: this installer will install the third party VIN decoder software, VinPower, on the user's machine. This brings their VinPower installation up to version 6.
* VP: run installer - These update will run the VinPower installer after ITrack closes.
* Added: salesman column to the customer cores tab (bug 1131)
* Added: a "Print/export items..." split button similar to the one on inventory overview (bug 1131). This allows the user to select items and send them to a .csv file (excel spreadsheet) or print them directly.
* Added: context menu (right click) to the list on this screen.
* Added: global hotkeys to control the print/export options on this screen.
* Added: if a single report request is being used over and over (such as when every lineitem on a search is being printed with a separate print job (see bug 715), the queries that lookup possible reports only happen the first time. This makes printing the same report many times in a row significantly faster, especially in locations with slow database connections.
* Fixed: error message that would pop up if a report was printed with 0 copies (it now just bumps it up to 1).
* Fixed: customer unit mileage no longer shows a fractional part (.00).
* Added: new permission that restricts users from adding new customers (see bug 1476). This greys out the New button and keeps the user from saving new customers.
* Added: new permission that restricts users from adding new customers (see bug 1476). This permission greys out the New button.
===Database Updates===
* Added: an index on purchaseorders' vendorid. Thanks goes to Chad A@VHI who mentioned it.
* Added: new permission for restricting which users can add customers (bug 1476).
* Removed: parentinventoryid from the inventory and inventorysetting tables.
* Added: 2 new permissions that control whether the user can edit the global configuration of SO document types and terms. These are now being used to grey out the configuration menu options, as well as the context menu options on the SO screen.
* Added: Configuration->Manage payment methods permission.
* Removed: some unused fields in the payment methods table.
* Added: an index to the model table that greatly increases the speed of the main query on the inventory model list tab. It incorporates inventorytypeid and manufacturerid (which are in the where clause) and model.name (which is used to sort the results). This makes loading a single page of 1000 models take .1 seconds instead of .5 seconds using a remote database.
* Added: a new permission: Parts->Edit GL category. This controls whether the user can change the GL category (see bug 347). This is turned on automatically for everyone who had the parts->edit part info permission.
* Added: the update downloader system is now capable of interpreting two new executable script commands: removesetting (for removing .ini settings completely) and run_delayed (which is like run, but it runs the command from Update.exe so that we know that ITrack is closed).
* Added: support for removing settings.
* Added: iss script commands are now case insensitive.
* Added: support for run_delayed (writes command to update.todo file)
* Added: support for removesetting (sends a WM_REMOVESETTING command to master).
* Changed: rewrote the way that the .iss commands are parsed. For simplicity and avoiding crashes on corner cases, the entire input string is now broken into tokens using the IT::String::Tokenize functionality. The vector of tokens is now what is passed to the various command handlers. This makes handler code much easier to add/modify.
* Removed: the payment methods page. This is now done through the permission controlled configuration dialog.
* Added: the inventory model management page now supports 'paging'. This means that, for very long model lists, the models will be displayed in pages that can be scrolled through. This greatly improves the speed of loading a particular part type/manufacturer combination. The # of models per page defaults to 1000, but can be customized in the settings (Part Configuration->Models per page). Setting this value to 0 will disable paging.
* Fixed: Tabbing order to make more sense.
* Fixed: the model and assembly model dropdowns now use the new paging combo box. This allows us to use auto-complete when the user types in the dropdown.
* Added: auto-completion to the paging combo boxes (model/assembly model)
* Performance: eliminated a set of queries that was being run (unnecessarily) more than once on part load. This can save anywhere between .5 to 1 second, depending on the user's connection speed.
* Performance: combined 4 small queries into one big query when loading a part or switching part types. This can save anywhere between .3 and .5 seconds, depending on the user's connection speed.
* Removed: all references to 'parent inventory id' (bug 1658) which was the pro-style assembly field. Assemblies are done with collections in EE. This change included removing the 'choose components dialog' that would pop up when you added a pro-style assembly. The collection components list in the advanced tab no longer has anything in it either.
* Added: a new permission is now checked to see whether the current user can modify the GL category of parts at specific stores.
* Fixed: all permissions on the parts screen now use the currently loaded part's store # as the store to check the permission at. Before, it was always assuming the store the user was logged into, which is incorrect. This means that if a user has store level parts permissions, they will now correctly disable functionality on parts from outside that user's stores.
* Fixed: many permissions that were based on specific permissions (such as Edit GL Categories, Edit Part Locations, Edit Part Statuses, etc) now check whether the user has the Edit Part Info permission as well.
* Fixed: several fields weren't checking the user's permissions, and were always editable. This was a couple random fields on most screens, as well as most of the functionality on the Links tab.
* Fixed: the permissions are now correctly updated whenever the store changes on the parts screen. This fixes issues where a part from a store without user permissions was loaded, then a part from a store with permissions, causing certain fields to stay greyed out.
* Added: edits are now set to read-only rather than disabled. This allows the user to scroll the edits and copy text out of them.
* Removed: references to parentinventoryid.
* Added: the configure document types dialog is now resizable, and larger by default.
* Added: there is now a customer # field right next to the customer name lookup (bug 1571).
* Fixed: the split (dropdown) button can now be hidden by clicking the dropdown again.
* Fixed: the split buttons now draw like other XP buttons in XP visual theme.
* Removed: references to parentinventoryid.
* Added: there are now permissions for every "Configure X" (terms, shipping methods, document types, tax items, etc) that can be done from the SO screen. In addition, these permissions are now checked when the user opens the context menu (right click).
* Added: there is now a configure->Documents...->Payment Methods (bug 1724). This dialog is permission controlled by a new permission (Configuration->Manage payment methods). It can also be launched through the context menu on the SO screen (right click).
* Fixed: the configure->Terms dialog should now correctly replace one term with another (when you're deleting a term).
* Added: all combo boxes on the part info page are now ITAdvancedComboBoxes. This means that using the keyboard to choose items in the combos is a lot better.
* Added: if the user hits the Print Tags button on search, it now asks them if they want one copy per lineitem or one copy per item per QOH. The user is warned that the second way can take a long time for lots of search results. This corresponds to bug 715.
* Added: CSV functionality for doing auction exports. Involved changing the export button to an ITSplitButton. Doesn't work for vehicles yet, we'll see if it needs to go in at some point.
* Added: by user request, wholesale price and jobber price have been added to the vendor pricing search.
* Fixed: the Price column has been renamed to the more descriptive "Retail Price" on the vendor pricing search.
* Fixed: (bug 1651) an issue where the user's focus might go somewhere weird whenever they moved off of the manufacturer or model dropdowns. This made it hard to quickly select these fields and then hit the search button.
* Removed: all references to parent part #.
* Added: support for 'todo' commands other than file copy. Namely, we now support the tags. Essentially, now we support running commands after ITrack has closed.
* Fixed: an issue where a poorly formatted .todo file could cause an infinite loop.
* Added: there is now a customer # field right next to the customer name lookup (bug 1571).
* Fixed: (bug 1710) issue where workorder master parts would get a quantity of 0 whenever the user replaced one master part with another part.
* Fixed: issue where clearing the WO off the screen might cause a crash.
* Fixed: an issue where there were 2 different settings that controlled the 'default WO type'. One remembered the last type the user had used, the other held an option that was almost always wrong.
* Fixed: a crash that would be caused by looking up master parts on an internal WO without changing the WO type.
* Fixed: issue with dead whitespace in the List control (bug 701).
* Fixed: an error that was caused by having an invalid "Default work order type" in the settings and then performing a lookup.
* Fixed: an issue that would cause ITrack to crash when the user cleared a WO off the screen (using the normal clear operation or by saving).
* Fixed: an inconsistent issue where the model dropdowns would sometimes not save the correct value if you picked an option and hit enter.
* Fixed: several issues with the way that the ITAdvancedComboBox works (used for the 4 more fields).
* Fixed: issue where more2 and more3 might get their choice switched around on load.
* Changed: Appraisal work is now done mostly with stored procedures, CURSORs, and prepared statements. This will make the queries faster.
* Added: Min, Max, Deviance, Relevance to results and all but Relevance to the cached data.
* Changed: Generating a full cache will now create the four primary date-based caches, and groups them by configured appraisal methods.
* Added: New fields, functionality to appraisals.
* Changed: Origin dialog now uses a list control instead of radio buttons.
* Added: Origins can now have metadata. This will be particularly handy with the HTP appraisal data (things like 'matching searches' and such).
* Added: Minor fix to keep blank entries from being entered into the origin cache.
* Changed: Database script to reflect the new method which uses deviance to find better numbers.
* Fixed: Issue where single-item appraisal would only fill out the estimated value, and nothing else.
* Fixed: Issue where appraisal values were coming back with partially complete items because they were being overwritten instead of reused.
* Fixed: Compression is now turned on by default.
* Changed: Getting a single origin returned automatically chooses it in the origin selection dialog. Getting no origins causes the dialog to cancel.
* Changed: Double-clicking an origin causes it to be chosen.
* Fixed: The origin list now becomes disabled when OnOK is pressed. This change should make it easier to tell the user to wait for appraising to finish.
* Fixed: Bug where we look for a column called `sessionid` instead of `session`.
* Added: simple error reporting.
* Fixed: Bug where makes would use the wrong variable.
* Added: Generic string for what the tooltip could be.
* Changed: Parts that have no valid result returned now have a code-generated string that says as much (more reasonable tooltips).
* Changed: Appraisal extension now has defaults set that allows a new install to use only a ca-cert.pem file in the ITrack installation directory. Users can still use their own connection details, or a more specific SSL key set, per their discretion.
* Added: the ability to have other screens display a customer unit in a readonly version of the edit customer unit dialog. This is used when viewing a customer unit on a closed WO.
* Fixed: the service tab on the customer screen now allows the user to view units and their job history even if they don't have permission to edit that data.
* Fixed: a query error when the user tried to edit a single customer unit from the service tab.
===Database Updates===
* Added: a couple fields to the SO and customer systems to facilitate tracking the relationship between local objects and ones that were created from online sales.
* Added: unique index on salesorder document name. This has been an assumption for awhile, and having this index should keep us from getting more than one Lost Sales document, etc.
* Added: new sales order document "Internet Sale" for those who don't have it. This will be the default document for the online HTP orders.
* Fixed: an issue in v_quote where the expired boolean was sometimes NULL instead of true/false for documents with no expire date.
* Added: new function f_vehicle_model_use_count which counts the number of times a particular vehicle model is being used in the system. This is being used on the new version of the vehicle model management page on part configuration.
* Added: a function used by reporting, f_invoice_adjustment_in_date_range, requested by Brad Moore.
* Added: there is now a new field for mapping in the "Vendor catalog - Inventory model mapping" import type where the user specifies inventory type. This helps to avoid subquery collisions when retrieving modelids.
* Fixed: browse file dialog change to fix crash from hitting cancel.
* Added: ITrack can now use a .bmp file for a splash screen while booting up, so this version of the home logo should fulfill the requirements.
===ini: Enable splash logo===
* Added: this will turn on the splash screen for ITrack. This requires that a compatible bitmap exist in the ITrack directory (it must also be specified in the host.ini file).
* Changed: SSL encryption is now a bit more dynamic in ITrack. MySQL API allows an SSL connection to be made using only ca-cert.pem, instead of requiring ca+key+cert.
* Changed: Updated to 5.1.50 for libmysql and made sure all products work with it. This is to fix a security issue (known buffer overflow issue in old version of yaSSL) and a weird crash issue with some appraisal query attempts.
* Added: the login dialog now grabs the current windows user and puts it into the username box. I know that this isn't always the case, but in those cases where it is, it will make logging in faster. For those cases when those 2 users differ, it shouldn't take any longer because the username starts out selected so that typing overwrites it.
* Fixed: a minor issue where the login dialog might appear in one spot and move to another location really quickly.
* Fixed: an issue where the login dialog would be above the splash screen.
* Fixed: the sorting of screen lists by name is now case-insensitive.
* Added: splash screen while ITrack is loading. The image that is used for the splash screen is the home logo specified in the host.ini file. If no such image is specified, no splash screen appears.
* Fixed: if an error pops up when ITrack.exe is launching, it will now appear in front of the splash screen, if its in use.
* Fixed: an issue that would cause ITrack to crash in the rare case when a screen only partially loaded.
* Fixed: creating/editing stores in the stores page no longer throws errors.
* Removed: add/edit vehicle model dialog. The model list is now directly editable, so this dialog is no longer necessary.
* Optimized: many unnecessary queries on the vehicle model tab were removed. This screen should operate faster now.
* Added: legend to the part transactions tab that explains font colors to the user.
* Added: by user request, the part transactions tab now has an area at the top that explains the current user filter without having to open the filter dialog. This allows the user to know what type of documents they are filtering out at a glance.
* Fixed: an issue where the SO checkboxes could become hidden in the filter dialog.
* Fixed: an issue where WO filtering was ignoring its "Show finalized" checkboxes.
* Added: HTP Lookup fields for getting HTP estimates. Fields don't appear if Appraisal Extension isn't loaded. Fields go away if an appraisal fails.
* Fixed: Bug where the first price lookup was happening twice, and had the potential to occur multiple times depending on method of manufacturer/model change.
* Added: Tooltip support!
* Changed: Tooltip is now generated from the ITAppraisalItem class instead of in UI code.
* Fixed: Loading a part was causing the HTP edit/static to be hidden.
* Fixed: manufacturer (instead of assembly manufacturer) was being sent to the search screen when viewing alternate parts.
* Added: hitting enter in while in the tag # edit box now performs a lookup.
* Added: '''ALL NEW''' ITrack now has a new combo box which we call the Advanced Combo Box. It has auto-complete, case sensitivity, and the dropdown can be resized. all 4 of the flex dropdowns are now advanced combo boxes.
* Added: when a saleso order line gets deleted, all associated delivery line history records are also deleted.
* Added: a configure->terms dialog. This dialog allows the user to add, edit, delete, and merge document terms.
* Added: menu option configure->Documents...->Terms
* Added: a configure->sales order document types dialog. This dialog allows the user to add, edit, delete, and merge sales order documents.
* Added: menu option configure->Documents...->Sales Order Documents
* Added: the sales order screen now has a context menu (right click menu) everywhere, instead of just on the list. This context menu has options for editing all the items that SOs rely on: tax items, sales order documents, shipping methods, adjustment types, etc. It also has options for choosing, viewing customers and refreshing credit limit override status. If the user right clicks on a dropdown (such as the tax items dropdown), the add/edit option for that item will appear at the top.
* Changed: Updated to work with the new appraisal system. This allows a user to view suggested appraisal values for parts in a search using either average HTP.net data or BerryHill Auctioneers auction data.
* Fixed: an issue where the count part/vehicle pictures and refresh part/vehicles pictures checkboxes weren't saving the users's changes.
* Added: Appraised values now have tooltips for more information.
* Added: there is now an entry in the search document for the user setting that controls whether to use vehicle searies when doing vehicle model searches. A checkbox will be added to the settings tab to control this.
* Added: checkbox to control whether the user wishes to use vehicle model serieses when searching inventory by vehicle make and model.
* Fixed: the show alternate parts button on the parts screen now correctly puts the manufacturer/model into the manufacturer/model dropdowns on search instead of the make/model dropdowns.
===SSL: Certificate Authority===
* Added: this file gives all clients the ability to contact ISoft database servers with encryption turned on.
* Added: the vendor pricing tab now has columns for retail, wholesale, jobber prices as well as buy package and purchase factor.
* Added: column tooltips to the list.
* Fixed: an error that caused some breakdown WOs to fail (bug 1662).
* Fixed: an issue that could cause the job dialog to crash when the user hit ok if they didn't do anything in the dialog (bug 1686).
* Fixed: the customer field, tax item field, and customer unit fields are now all readonly on closed WOs.
* Added: opening the edit address dialog on a closed WO now shows the address data in readonly mode.
* Added: clicking the edit customer unit button on a closed WO now shows the customer unit in readonly mode.
* Fixed: if one or more jobs are on the same customer unit as the WO itself, the unit mileage displayed in the job list will now be the one that was saved with the WO.
* Fixed: crash when loading a WO # that doesn't exist.
==Changelog Archives==

=Version Change logs=
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 38|Version 38]] (12/05/2023)
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 37|Version 37]] (7/13/2023)
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 36|Version 36]] (2/02/2023)
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 35|Version 35]] (9/20/2022)
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 34|Version 34]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 33|Version 33]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 32|Version 32]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 31|Version 31*]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 30|Version 30]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 29|Version 29*]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 28|Version 28]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 27|Version 27]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 26|Version 26*]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 25|Version 25]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 24|Version 24]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 23|Version 23]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 22|Version 22]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 21|Version 21]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 20|Version 20]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 19|Version 19]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 18|Version 18]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 17|Version 17]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 16|Version 16]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 15|Version 15]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 14|Version 14]]
* Version 13 Skipped
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 12|Version 12]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 11|Version 11]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 10|Version 10]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 9|Version 9]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 8|Version 8]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 7|Version 7]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 6|Version 6]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 5|Version 5]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 4.5|Version 4.5]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 4.4|Version 4.4]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 4.3|Version 4.3]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 4.2|Version 4.2]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 4.1|Version 4.1]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 4.0|Version 4.0]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 3.0|Version 3.0]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 2.3|Version 2.3]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 2.2|Version 2.2]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 2.1|Version 2.1]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 2.0|Version 2.0]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 1.4|Version 1.4]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 1.3|Version 1.3]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 1.2|Version 1.2]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 1.1|Version 1.1]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2013-01|2013-01]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2012-12|2012-12]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2012-11|2012-11]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2012-10|2012-10]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2012-09|2012-09]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2012-08|2012-08]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2012-07|2012-07]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2012-06|2012-06]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2011-12|2011-12]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2011-11|2011-11]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2011-10|2011-10]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2011-09|2011-09]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2011-08|2011-08]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2011-07|2011-07]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2011-06|2011-06]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2011-05|2011-05]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2011-04|2011-04]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2011-03|2011-03]]
* No changes for month of 2011-02
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2011-01|2011-01]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2010-12|2010-12]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2010-11|2010-11]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2010-10|2010-10]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2010-09|2010-09]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2010-09|2010-09]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2010-08|2010-08]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2010-08|2010-08]]

Revision as of 18:26, 5 December 2023

Below, find change logs for each release of ITrack Enterprise. Generally a version will be marked as 'live' (generally available release), and one or more versions will be marked as 'release candidates' meaning they are in testing and are available soon to the general public (and immediately to anyone interested in beta testing).

Version Change logs