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=Release 8.2=
Below, find change logs for each release of ITrack EnterpriseGenerally a version will be marked as 'live' (generally available release), and one or more versions will be marked as 'release candidates' meaning they are in testing and are available soon to the general public (and immediately to anyone interested in beta testing).
==Common Resources==
* Fixed: (case 14389) an issue where advanced combo boxes were not reporting value changes correctly.
* Fixed: an issue where the Inventory import would run into a duplicate key error if there were duplicate tag numbers in inventory already.
=Release 8.1=
==Data Management==
* Fixed: an issue where unchanged row count could be negative.
* Fixed: an issue where "Before Conversion Validation" commands were not being run.
* Fixed: changed the Inventory import to be compatible with inventory as an InnoDB table.
* Added: an index to file.hash. This will speed up adding pictures.
* Added: (case 14738) On the additional info tab, you can now enter more into the sellerinfo and pick-up location fields.
=Release 8.0=
* Fixed: various tab order issues
* Added: button icons
* Fixed: various tab order issues
* Added: button icons
* Fixed: a database error that could occur if the user didn't choose a store for the billing address.  This kept users from creating global customer records.
* Added: (case 13676) there is now a store level setting "Customer"->"Payments page: default new customers to 'cash only'" which controls whether new customers are cash-only or not by default.
==Customer List==
* Added: the list now has gridlines for consistency with other big lists.
* Fixed: performing a customer search for customers only at the current store was not correctly grabbing customer Q&A values.
* Performance: (Case 12685) customer search has been rewritten to be 99% faster in some cases.  Namely, searches were found to be very slow if the user was searching for customer for only their store and some of the customers in question had many alternate addresses or Q&A options filled out.
* Disabled: currently, searching customers by balance has been disabled because it has been shown to be extremely slow on large databases, and that is not made obvious to the user.  Any users who use this feature should contact ISoft, as we can discuss work-arounds.
* Fixed: several issues regarding getting an accurate count of matching customers when the user is searching by customer balance.  This may be useful in the future, but as mentioned above, balance searches have been disabled due to speed concerns.
* Reconfigured the UI a bit as follows:
** Search related options(checkboxes) are now at the top next to the search button.
** The search type combo is hidden when doing a smart search
** Post-search related buttons are now at the bottom.
** Button change their state depending on if results are in the list or if an item(s) are selected.
** Buttons have state-specifc tooltips.
* Added: (case 12722) the view v_deliverable_transferorderline now puts both source and destination comments into the internal comments of the view, making both comments viewable on the picking screen.
* Added: A line to update LXW's table entries to use correct names. Without this, Inventory Detail will not load on LXW.
* Removed: several settings in the parts location that are unused and are easily confused with in-use settings in other areas.
* Fixed: the trigger on inventory update no longer moves the primary location of the part unless the location changed, and even then, one of the locations must be valid.  This helps prevent situations where touching a part would create an 'empty' primary location on a record with no locations.
* Fixed: (case 13044) an issue where f_move_inventory_primary_location was creating inventorylocation records that were not permanent and had a quantity of 0.  This was contributing to situations where inventory with no location were getting an 'empty' location record added to them.
* Renamed: a setting that is being deprecated to its new name, and all values are being converted over so that software behavior remains the same.
* Fixed: an issue where, if the inventory table was InnoDB, replicating a part between stores to perform a transfer order would not work correctly (the part at the source store would be lost).  This shouldn't have been affecting any databases in the wild.
* Fixed: (case 13110) if a part was replicated while any quantity was on hold, the holds would get copied over, so the new part would appear to be on hold when it was transferred.  Now, items do not automatically get holds during replication.
* Fixed: an issue where replicating inventory items wouldn't reset the hold quantity on the newly created inventory record.
* Added: (case 13105) a new permission "Search"->"Can perform potentially slow searches", which controls whether the user is allowed to perform smart searches that the system has detected might take awhile to execute.
* Fixed: an issue where right-click list graphing would display fractional numbers as 'rounded' numbers.
* Fixed: an issue where right-click list graphing would open the graph website twice if the default browser was google chrome.
* Added: (Case 13226) Queries for removing the old FULLTEXT inventory.notes+inventory.description index and migrating the search module that used it to something more standard.
* Fixed: the template used for "right click list graphing" has been upgraded to fix the following issues:
** Fixed: (case 13273) an issue where grouping the x axis by value was incompatible with some graph types, like stacked column chart.
** Added: the graphing template now properly rounds all aggregated values to a similar precision as the input data (this solves issues where $1.50 would display as 1.49999999).
** Fixed: several issues where aggregation wasn't working correctly, this was breaking stacked bar charts.
** Added: support for grouping values into date/time ranges like "By Day/Week/Month/Quarter/Year".
** Tweaked: the layout of the graph to reserve more space for the graph itself.
** Fixed: an issue where pie charts wouldn't render because the label column (x axis) has to be a string
** Added: support for the google ChartWrapper class, which enables more real-time chart modifications
** Added: the user can now click a series in the legend to show/hide it.
** Fixed: grouping results by date range wasn't working for pie charts.
** Fixed: an issue where pie charts would fail to render because they had negative values.
** Fixed: an issue with the graph template where numbers might sometimes display 100.00999999 instead of 100.01
* Fixed: an issue where calling some move location functions could throw an error because a DECIMAL was being saved into a TINYINTThis would only have been a problem for servers with strictmode on.
* Fixed: (case 13437) if the user moved the primary location of a part (commonly done on the vehicles screen when parts are moved with a vehicle), they could get an error from recursive database references.
* Fixed: (case 13794) several issues that could be cause if the user needed to do auto-pick and move fractional inventory quantities (like .5).  This could be caused by selling fractional quantities or by manually picking 50% before making the invoice auto-pick.
* Added: LXW changes that move storeid from scanner (which is now store-agnostic) to scansession.
* Added: numbers table now goes up to 16k, which makes many reports easier.
* Removed: a search setting for disabling picture counting which is not used anymore.
* Added: (case 9416) new permission that controls what stores a user can pick inventory at.
* Added: (case 9416) a permission that controls what stores the user can create run sheets for.
* Removed: an inventorysetting for "Location" which was redundant with "Locations"
* Changed: the location code is now allowed to be up to 50 characters long.  Care should be used with long locations, since the total location name "parent code-location code-child code" needs to be less than 50 characters as well.  Therefore, only 'top level' locations that will never have sub-locations should ever have codes this long.
* Added: (case 13003) support for report parameters that allow a choice between items that are loaded from the database.  Also, parameters can now be hidden, and their editability can be customized.
* Changed: reportparameter.reportparameterid is now an independent auto_increment column, instead of being depdent on reportid.  This should make it so that the table can be moved to InnoDB database engine.
* changing the length of the title field in the database to match the limit set in code and by ebay
* Added: ebay permission
* Added: (case 1464) a log table to record vendors that have been merged.
* Fixed: (case 14013) issues where the dropdowns were editable when source store All was chosen, and where the entire edit would not be 'greyed out' when it was not editable.
* Added: (case 9416) a new permission that controls which store(s) the user has access to picking inventory at.  This controls the options the user can choose from the source store dropdown.
* Added: (case 9416) a permission that controls what stores the user can create run sheets for.  This controls the options for the source store dropdown (which controls what stores' inventory the user can create runsheets for).
==EBay Extension==
* The Ebay Sync button will now always take you to account authorization page and reset the ebay contexts
* Added: screen permission
* Changed: ExternalURL won't work for our current image solution so I added PictureData which doesn't work with our current api set up because it doesn't add the xml attachments but its there for future development
* Fixed: a bug where shipping options weren't saving without killing focus before closing dialogs
* Fixed: a bug where users could add shipping options to the default template
* Fixed: Bringing items to the ebay screen from the search screen now ALWAYS maintains order instead of only sometimes case 13535
* Added: core prices are now added into pricing when an item is sent to ebay case 11525
* Added: a counter for the number of listings that are currently on the listings tab case 13887
* Various UI improvements
* Added: (as per user suggestion) the inventory filter dropdown now has a "QA < Min" in addition to "QA <= Min".  This allows users to build orders composed of only more strict depletions.
* Changed: Recent error reports seem to suggest that in some cases, the error reporting dialog is not appearing for customers.  Some changes have been made that may make it less likely that things won't work right.
* Fixed: a freeze issue that could happen if a very large query failed.  The error was too large to be shown in the pop-up and therefore the message would also not be shown to the user.
* Fixed: the input field for code, delimiter, and description are now limited to a maximum number of characters that matches what the database can hold.
* Fixed: (case 13169) an issue where the location screen would crash if the user had a particular combination of permissions.
* Fixed: the locations screen is now properly locked down if the user has no permissions to edit locations.
* Added: (case 14092) paste sibling option to the paste dropdown.  This is now the default if you hit the paste button.  This is to make paste work consistently with the insert new button.
* Removed: (case 14092) hitting paste no longer selects the newly created location.  This makes pasting work the same as the insert new button.  This should make inserting many copies of the same location faster.
* Fixed: (case 14092) an issue where pasting the same location multiple times would increment the number in the description only once.
* Changed: the location editing screen now allows the location code to be up to 50 characters long.  Care should be used with long locations, since the total location name "parent code-location code-child code" needs to be less than 50 characters as well.  Therefore, only 'top level' locations that will never have sub-locations should ever have codes this long.
* Removed: two extra, unnecessary error messages related to loading up stores that would appear if the user could not connect to the database.
* Added: More error handling in certain cases of loading extensions. Only useful for debugging and extreme (non-occurring) corner cases.
* Fixed: (case 12905) an issue where changing the text of the primary location might not update the location on the part info tab.
* Fixed: (case 12905) an issue where typing in 'virtual' locations wasn't working.
* Fixed: (case 10340) an issue where saving a part with a location might either cause there to be two locations, or a duplicate location error to appear.
* Fixed: (case 13054) an issue where the 4 flex fields were not loading up saved data correctly.
* Fixed: the tab order was incorrect on several pages.  Also, tabbing between pages was not working consistently.
* Fixed: if the user opens the screen or does a search, their focus will automatically be put into the part type # field.
* Changed: the setting Parts->"Model dropdown search pattern" has been switched to Parts->"Use only the start of the model name when searching for matching models".  The new setting is just a True/False setting which controls whether typing in the model dropdowns on parts will find matches just by the start of the model name or anywhere in the string.
* Fixed: an issue where typing a full model name into the "Part #" field on the part info tab wasn't always finding the model correctly.  This also fixes an issue where the user would be taken back to the first page in this situation.
* Fixed: an issue where the model dropdown's auto-suggest method would sometimes suggest an item by the middle of the model name even though that option was turned off.
* Fixed: a possible crash caused by typing in the model dropdown because the model and assembly model kept changing each other in a loop.
* Fixed: if no model is selected, the Manufacturer Part # edit will no longer contain a single space " ".
* Changed: when the user first opens the screen, their focus is automatically put into the tag # field for quick lookup of items.
* Changed: the replicate parts button now uses the same database replication method that the Transfer Order screen uses when replicating parts between stores.  This fixes an issue where manually replicating a part between stores would replicate the held quantity as well.
* Fixed: (case 13322) an issue where creating a new location (or renaming an existing one) and rearranging the locations could cause locations to combine or even a database error.
* Added: (case 13923) there is now a location column in the part screen transaction list.  This is a comma separated list of all location(s) a particular document line referenced at the current time, along with a summary of the quantity allocated at each location.  Since work order master parts don't save a location that they referenced, "Primary loc." is displayed instead.
* Fixed: (case 14131) if the user switched an aftermarket/replenishable inventory item to Miscellaneous, the 'replenish' checkbox on the advanced tab would be unchecked, but upon save, the part would not become replenishable.  The same is true for Misc/Standard items going to Replenishable items.  Now, this change will be saved correctly.
* Fixed: (case 14203) if the user had replenishable parts default to not public, doing a save & clear operation after updating a replenishable part would cause an unnecessary 'do you want to save' prompt to appear during the screen close process.
==Purchase Orders==
* Added: (case 13105) similar to smart search on the search screen, things typed into the lookup field will popup a "Potentially slow search detected" if the input starts with a wildcard or is very short.  If they have a new search permission, they can perform the search anyway.
* Added: (case 13492) the PO screen can now accept a bid to purchase.  In this mode, the item will be purchased from the bid vendor for the bid amount, and all bid fees will be added as add on costs.
* Fixed: a crash that could occur when deleting a document level adjustment from a posting.  Sometimes the crash would occur on the next load or save operation.
* Fixed: The following changes have been made to the interface for consistency with other document screens:
** Tab order issues
** Save is always the bottom-right most button and "S" is it's alt key shortcut.
** Clear is always to the immediate left of the save button
** A "On Save" section of checkboxes and/or combos is to the immediate right of the save button
** The "Add Item", "Edit Item" & "Delete Item" buttons are above the clear/save buttons in the same order.
==Report Viewer==
* Added: (case 13003) support for dropdowns whose values are loaded form the database.  In addition, the current user, the store they're logged into, as well as other various pieces of information can be used as part of the query, making it so that running reports can use better user defaults in the future. This system supports some of the results being a default choice, as well as behind-the scenes key #'s for faster report support.
* Added: (case 13003) report parameters can now be hidden, as well as visible by readonly.
* Added: (case 13003) dropdown report parameters now support passing behind the scenes ids to a report for speed purposes, as well as allowing dropdowns that the user can type into (for wildcard support).
* Added: (case 13003) report parameters can now be marked as required, meaning the user cannot print until they are not empty.  The user will be prompted to fill it out or to use the default value (if one exists).
===Back Orders===
* Replaced some columns with more relevant columns, cleaned up the report.
* Now only includes sales order document types that can affect inventory.
* Added: an alternative OIA layout, which will show instead of the standard layout based on a setting.  Also, the logo and address were swapped in the header so the address is on the left and can be lined up with envelope windows with deliberate folding.
===Receiving Label===
* Added: conditional sizing to the barcode field based on length.
===Part Search Results===
* Updated query to look at the same view as the screen for make, vehiclemodel, and year fields.
===Purchase Orders===
* Fixed: a problem where line descriptions weren't showing up.
===Sales By Customer===
* Detail Level parameter now allows selection from line item, salesorder, and summary levels.
===Sales Order 11in===
* Fixed: Displayed tax amount no longer rounds.
* Added: a setting to display tagnumber below the barcode in addition at the top of the report, False by default.  This is good for tearoff tags.
* Increased the height of the barcode.
===Weekly Sales Insights===
* Added: average invoice amounts.
==Sales Orders==
* Added: (case 13105) similar to smart search on the search screen, things typed into the lookup field will popup a "Potentially slow search detected" if the input starts with a wildcard or is very short.  If they have a new search permission, they can perform the search anyway.
* Fixed: The following changes have been made to the interface for consistency with other document screens:
** Tab order issues
** Save is always the bottom-right most button and "S" is it's alt key shortcut.
** Clear is always to the immediate left of the save button
** A "On Save" section of checkboxes and/or combos is to the immediate right of the save button
** The "Add Item", "Edit Item" & "Delete Item" buttons are above the clear/save buttons in the same order.
* Added: (case 13105) if the user performs a search with nothing filled out, they will get an error that says "Search too general, please narrow down your search".  This should prevent the user from accidentally locking things up for awhile.
* Added: (case 13105) if the user performs a Smart Search, if the smart search filter starts with a wildcard, or the input string is very short (customized in a setting, but defaults to less than 2 characters), the user will be told that this is potentially a slow search.  If the have a new permission "Search"->"Can perform potentially slow searches", they can continue anyway.  Otherwise the user will be prevented from performing the search.  This should prevent very simple searches that take too long to perform on large databases.
* Performance: (case 13105) if the user is doing a "Group by locations" search, the query will not contain a GROUP BY (unless the user is searching by serial #).  This makes large searches faster if the user is finding lots of results but attempting to grab only the first 1000 with a LIMIT.
* Performance: (case 13105) if the user is doing a normal search, the query will attempt to not use a GROUP BY clause (unless the user is searching by serial # or location).  This makes large searches faster if the user is finding lots of results but attempting to grab only the first 1000 with a LIMIT.
* Fixed: an issue where the side dropdown had all side options repeated twice.
* Removed: (case 12528) the user can no longer disable the ability to count part and vehicle attachments on search. This feature did not add significant time to search.
* Removed: several unnecessary queries that were being run on save and load.
* Added: when a whole unit is saved, the post-save database functions are now correctly run.
* Fixed: (case 13216) an issue where, if the user created a new vehicle and sent it to a PO, the item would not correctly appear on the PO screen if a new database configuration was in use.
* Fixed: a crash that could happen if the user added a second bid to a vehicle with exactly one bid.
* Added: a 'Create PO' button that is available whenever a bid is selected.  This allows the user to send the selected bid to a PO (including fees, amount, and bid vendor).  This is useful for situations where a bid is accepted but the receiving PO is not created at that time.  This allows the user to create a bid PO for a vehicle after the bid has been accepted, or a second time if the original PO has been voided.
* Fixed: an issue where copying a saved bid/teardown to a new bid would not save the bid items correctly.
* Added: (case 13492) when the user sends the vehicle to a PO to be received, if there is an accepted bid, that bid information will be used on the PO.  This includes bid vendor, amount, and fees.
* Fixed: an issue where new bid vehicles would ask the user to send the vehicle to a PO on the first save.
* Changed: whole unit type is now always a required field, even for bid units.  This avoids a possible database error.  Plus bid templates were based off of whole unit type, so filling it out should always be required.
* Fixed: (case 13821) an issue where an existing vehicle would not correctly move when its location was changed.  The parts would move but the whole unit would not.
* Fixed: the location dropdown was really small, making it hard to see all the available locations.
* Fixed: a crash that was occuring after a save operation where the screen was not cleared and the user inventoried part of a teardown list.  The crash would occur after save if the user changed anything on the unused template components.
* Changed: (case 13857) the way sales appraisals are calculated has been completely rewritten.  Large teardown lists were taking a long time to process sales appraisals, especially at remote yards.  Now they are processed in batches of 50, which greatly reduces communication time.  Also, sales appraisals are processed on a secondary database connection.  This can make them slower to start, but it should fix an issue where sales appraisals that were still processing during save were causing random behavior, crashes, and broken vehicle saves.  This was more common at locations with longer teardown lists and slower connections.
* Fixed: Various tab order issues
* Added: Pressing "New Vehicle" or doing ALT+N will now put the user on the first property page so they can begin entering in a vehicle. The vehicle screen defaults to the user getting focus in the stock # lookup field when the screen loads. So now users can use ALT+N to quickly start entering a vehicle.
* Added: Icon to Copy Bid button
* Changed: The right alignment of the checkboxes made it look like they were for the more field edits, so I rearranged the screen a bit to make it more clear.
* Added: the list now has gridlines for consistency with other big lists.
* Added: (case 1464) ability to merge vendors. This includes addresses, attachments, options, catalogs & purchase orders.
* Changed: The Vendor List screen UI is now consistent with the Customer List screen:
** Button state handling
** Button state-specific tooltips
** Various tab order fixes
** Clear button has been removed from the tab order
** If search type smart search or part id, the 2nd dropdown is hidden.
==Warehouse Management==
* Added: support for showing fast inventory move detail information.
* Fixed: an issue where doubleclicking item detail for moves wasn't opening the corresponding part.
* Added: (case 12251) the inventory count detail list is now limited to loading 1000 items at a time.  This should keep very large count jobs from freezing the screen.  Even though only part of a job is loaded, the user is notified that there is more information, and the entire job can be approved at once.
* Fixed: (case 13610) an issue where the arrow icons didn't move with the items if the user sorted the list or moved items by dragging and dropping them.
==Work Orders==
* Added: (case 13105) similar to smart search on the search screen, things typed into the lookup field will popup a "Potentially slow search detected" if the input starts with a wildcard or is very short.  If they have a new search permission, they can perform the search anyway.
* Fixed: an issue where the parts list might be hard to read if the user hid and unhid some of the other lists of data.
* Fixed: an issue where the "& Print Work Order External" checkbox might be hidden on a WO sometimes when it shouldn't be.
* Changed: Some tooltip text
* Changed: Placement of buttons in the bottom right to be more consistent with the Sales Order screen as per case 13565.
* Added: Button icon to the Requests button
* Added: Clear button(checks if there are unsaved changes before clearing)
* Fixed: The following changes have been made to the interface for consistency with other document screens:
** Tab order issues
** Save is always the bottom-right most button and "S" is it's alt key shortcut.
** Clear is always to the immediate left of the save button
** A "On Save" section of checkboxes and/or combos is to the immediate right of the save button
** The "Add Item", "Edit Item" & "Delete Item" buttons are above the clear/save buttons in the same order.
* Fixed: An issue where the word "Correction" was getting trimmed on the "Complaint, Cause, Correction" static text.
* Changed: The read-only price edits at the bottom are no longer in the tab order.
= Release Candidate Change Log =
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Release Candidate|Release Candidate Notes]]
=Changelog Archives=

=Version Change logs=
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 38|Version 38]] (12/05/2023)
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 37|Version 37]] (7/13/2023)
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 36|Version 36]] (2/02/2023)
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 35|Version 35]] (9/20/2022)
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 34|Version 34]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 33|Version 33]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 32|Version 32]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 31|Version 31*]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 30|Version 30]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 29|Version 29*]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 28|Version 28]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 27|Version 27]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 26|Version 26*]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 25|Version 25]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 24|Version 24]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 23|Version 23]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 22|Version 22]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 21|Version 21]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 20|Version 20]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 19|Version 19]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 18|Version 18]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 17|Version 17]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 16|Version 16]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 15|Version 15]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 14|Version 14]]
* Version 13 Skipped
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 12|Version 12]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 11|Version 11]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 10|Version 10]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 9|Version 9]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 8|Version 8]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 7|Version 7]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 7|Version 7]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 6|Version 6]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 6|Version 6]]

Revision as of 18:26, 5 December 2023

Below, find change logs for each release of ITrack Enterprise. Generally a version will be marked as 'live' (generally available release), and one or more versions will be marked as 'release candidates' meaning they are in testing and are available soon to the general public (and immediately to anyone interested in beta testing).

Version Change logs