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=Release 11.5=
Below, find change logs for each release of ITrack Enterprise.  Generally a version will be marked as 'live' (generally available release), and one or more versions will be marked as 'release candidates' meaning they are in testing and are available soon to the general public (and immediately to anyone interested in beta testing).
===Home (17051)===
* Fixed: (case 19233) an issue where the "All" work order types option was not at the top of the WO type dropdown.  And if it was not, it would not search all types.
===Work Orders (17053)===
* Fixed: (case 19180) an issue where items deleted off of a job could still cause a "Warning: it appears that the item '<this item>' is already on the WO, would you like to continue adding it again?" popup to appear.
* Fixed: If the user sent search results from search to the current WO (without clicking the add item button first), if there were items loaded on the job, they would be replaced by the results
* Fixed: (case 19181) several situations where sending multiple search results to the job on the current WO would load all items onto the same line, causing only the last one to be shown.
=Release 11.4=
* Fixed: (case 19032) a bug where indexes in certain functions were not being used appropriately
====Sales By Invoice====
* Fixed: (case 19361) a bug where the report would ignore the store ID parameter
Fixed: a crash that occurred when opening a vehicle with an attached bid
=Release 11.3=
* Fixed: a crash that occurred when printing from the customer screen
=Release 11.2=
===eBay Extension===
* Fixed: a problem where eBay would crash on export
=Release 11.1=
* Fixed: (case 18861) an issue where the user could type in an invalid tax item name and the value would not be cleared before saving, leading users to believe a valid value would be saved.
* Fixed: (case 18861) an issue where no tax item selected was being saved with an invalid value (now it is correctly set to NULL).
===Customer List===
* Fixed: an issue where searching by customer website would throw a database error.
* Fixed: (case 18945) a database error that would occur if the user was searching for customers at a specific store ("Customers For All Stores" is unchecked) and they were searching by an address field (due to the recent additions allowing the system to simultaneously search alternate addresses).
* Fixed: (case 18852) PO adjustments that were created before version 11 wouldn't show up on their posting correctly anymore because of the innodb changes.
===Sales Orders===
* Added: (case 18001) the 'customer price' the salesman is presented with is now saved with all lineitems for historical reporting.
* Fixed: saving new lineitems will now be slightly faster, especially on very slow connections.
* Fixed: (case 18899) a crash that could occur if the user deselected all vehicles and then clicked on any header to sort the list.  This was a long-occuring bug that had been difficult to track down, credit to Ryan@Active for reproduction information.
=Release 11.0=
* Fixed: (case 17951) an issue where hitting the delete button would always ask the user to delete all price restrictions.
* Fixed: (case 17952) an issue where part types on price restrictions were saving but not displaying correctly.
* Changed: (case 17610) the 'next/previous page' buttons on the invoice list are now under the main invoice tree.  This should make it easier for users to find.
* Added: the drag bar on the invoices page no longer lets the user drag so far that it goes over other parts of the screen.  Other minor UI tweaks.
* Fixed: an issue where the invoice item detail list was still showing if the user had the 'show line items' checkbox unchecked when they closed and reopened the screen.
* Fixed: (case 17816) if the user doesn't have permission to edit attachments, they'll now correctly still be able to copy the image to the clilpboard.
* Changed: customer # and balance are now right aligned.
* Added: (case 12527) payment dialog now resizes and remembers previous location.
* Changed: invoice dropdown no longer automatically pops up, making things work a little smoother.
* Changed: save and new as well as previous and next result buttons have been re-activated.
* Fixed: (case 18378) a crash that could occur if a customer was loaded that had an invalid price class markup.  This would only happen if it wasn't the 'last' price class markup on the customer.
==Customer List==
* Added: (case 16332) searching by company name/contact/street/mailing/city/state/zip/country now searches alternate addresses as well.
* Added: (case 16332) smart search now searches alternate addresses.
* Fixed: next and previous customer functionality works again (buttons to scroll through search results on customer screen).
==Common Resources==
* Changed: (case 17685) if the user hits print tags from the parts screen, the choose locations/serials to print dialog will be shown if there are no locations on the part or quantity is 0.  Serialized parts with serial #'s will still not show this dialog, but now an error message is shown that says why tags could not be printed.
* Added: (case 17685) if the user prints tags for one or more non-serialized parts with no locations, a blank location is now shown so that the user can pre-print tags for parts that don't have locations yet.
* Added: (case 17685) a blank tag is no longer printed if all visible locations have a print quantity of 0.  Now, the user is shown an error telling them to enter some quantities.
* Added: hitting enter in the thread dialog will no longer hit cancel.  This is because sometimes people would do a search and another hit of enter would cause the search to be cancelled.
==Core Management==
* Fixed: an issue where the store chosen in the store dropdown would not actually filter the results unless the user chose a store then switched back.
* Fixed: the query that converted customerfile to InnoDB was throwing an error due to some misplaces parenthesis and commas
* Added: a column to inventorytype to control permission to make public on HTP
* Fixed: an issue where f_calculate_average_cost was incorrectly using average item cost instead of average core cost when calculating cost for inherent core charges on vehicle items.
* Changed: (case 17057) when an invoice that contains a vehicle item is either reopened or returned, the cost of the sale will now correctly be put onto the item for the next time it is sold.  Previously, this only worked if a yard didn't allow inventory cost to override percent of price costing.  Now, in such a case, the returned cost will be put into the cost field on the part.  This will keep a secondary sale from recalculating a new percent of price cost and adding it to the previous cost.  That issue was causing the cost to increase on returned parts in some scenarios.  These changes will not have an effect on yards that do not allow the inventory cost field to override % of price costing.
* Added: inventorysetting now has a unique key on the fieldname column to prevent possible duplicates.
* Fixed: an issue where documentlinelocation.location was longer than the location field in other tables.
* Fixed: (case 17477) an issue where the salesperson value saved on the invoice could sometimes be saved as an invalid number when it was supposed to be NULL (None selected).  This issue was not really visible to the user.
* Added: (case 17655) several user-suggested indices to speed up loading items onto the customer cores and returned cores tab of the core management screen.
* Changed: (case 17806) f_move_inventory_with_allocations now accepts negative quantities.  In such circumstances items are moved from the destination to the source and any document allocations will be 'unpicked' correctly.
* Changed: (case 17806) f_move_document_allocations now marks serials received on POs and TOs as not picked if the user picks a negative quantity of an item.
* Removed: deprecated view v_salesorderitem.  This view was added for some reports, but it is very slow, and we don't use it anymore.
* Changed: (case 17591) all tables that had a multi-field primary key with an auto-increment column have been modified to no longer work that way.  This is because that type of key is not supported by InnoDB, and all these tables have been moved to innodb.  Some tables had their key replaced, some got a new key, and some that got a new key had other tables updated to point to the correct 'new id'.
* Changed: (case 16468) almost all tables in the database have been moved to the InnoDB storage engine.  This should reduce the locking experienced by users under full load and lower the likelihood of data corruption if the server crashes.
* Fixed: issues where the old primary key columns were set to NOT NULL, preventing new items being inserted.
* Added: (Case 1759) workordertypeid to activitytype. This will be used to determine which activity types represent which work orders.
* Added: (Case 1759) a column to tell Enterprise Mobile that certain activities should not be shown to users.
* Added: (Case 1759) a unique index that will insure only one activity type is created per work order type
* Added: (case 11701) 2 new permissions, 1 for whether the user can change filled out required options and another for whether the user can change filled out non-required optionsThese permissions will default to on for any users who could previously edit work orders to emulate previous behavior.
* Fixed: (case 16886) when the user performs right-click graphing and numeric values being graphed are empty, they are no longer graphed as 0.  Now, such values are not present in the graph.
* Added: (case 16928) a new permission that controls whether the user can edit dates on SOs.
* Added: Purchase Order - Stock Category filter and field to the Transaction List.
* Added: (case 15780) in version 10, the dismantled checkbox and the dismantled date were combined in the interface.  At the time, we didn't update the 2 fields to match.  Now if one field is filled out, the other will get set.
* Changed: (case 18062) default user status in the part and vehicle tables is now blank instead of A.  This shouldn't affect any current systems, but could change the default status of new parts on any future imports or uploads.
* Added: (case 18558) The FIFO subsystem has now been added to the standard Enterprise release. This subsystem has been an optional add-on until now.
* Fixed: an issue where all results would be displayed, even if the user told the screen to only load the first 500 items when the size of the results exceeded the warning level.
==Ebay Extension==
* Fixed: (Case 16237) Sending multiple listings to auction no longer fails due to shipping options.
* Fixed: (Case 16144) Enabled support for sandbox testing.
* Fixed: (Case 16144) Multiselect listing now correctly lists the items selected.
* Fixed: (Case 17525) New listings cancelled through itrack will now show as closed instead of active.
* Fixed: (Case 17525) Cancelling auctions now updates the display immediately so that it is more apparent that the auction has actually been cancelled. 
* Fixed: (Case 17631) Weights and measures are now initialized correctly, so that items may be listed with shipping options safely.  This is a stopgap fix pending additional UI changes.
* Fixed: (Case 16410) The user should now see much cleaner information when errors occur.  There is now also an eBay error type. 
* Added: (Case 17725) Items submitted with an SKU in the customlabel field to ebay externally from itrack can now be invoiced out of itrack matching on the tagnum field.
* Added: (Case 17792) The auctions page now has a transactions column for sorting to find invoiceable listings.
* Fixed: (Case 17791) Items which have already been invoiced out can no longer be invoiced out a second time.
* Fixed: (Case 17849) Global and Part Specific defaults should now all correctly apply once more.
* Fixed: Query fixes for recent schema changes have also been added.
* Fixed: Defaults now load even if the config page has not been visited.
* Fixed: (Case 17849) Two new pullfields added to handle part model and manufacturer.  The old pullfields now correctly pull assembly model and manufacturer.
* Fixed: I have also centralized the ebaycategorymap table as it is in pro.
* Fixed: Corrected an issue with listing items on ebay
* Fixed: Issues with weights and measures have been corrected.
* Fixed: (case 17783) home screen footers were not resizing correctly when a pagination control was at the bottom of the page.
* Changed: the way cross references work has been updated to match the newer database version (moved to InnoDB).
==ITrack Online==
* Added: better error checking to the code that opens a URL.  Now, if the URL is too long, an error message will be displayed to that effect.
==ITSQL Framework==
* Added: Error reports now have a "Force advanced information" option.  If this is set to true, when the error message is displayed, the 'advanced info' checkbox is automatically checked (and hidden).  This is useful when code wishes to use the error reporting box as a normal error popup but we can't gaurantee that everyone views advanced info.
* Fixed: an issue where very long words (like a URL) were not properly resizing the height of the message body in the error message popup.
==ITMySQL Connection==
* Updated: local connection library version updated to version 6.1.5
* Added: (case 13008) when the application cannot reach the local database during an update attempt, the original MySQL error is now sent out as part of the error report, instead of the current, generic Database error 0 that we currently get.
* Changed: (case 17194) we disabled some of the COM timeouts in the application, as this seems to make exporting reports from the crystal reports previewer not show erroneous 'server busy' messages.
==Part Configuration==
* Fixed: (case 17465) manufacturer/model page: an issue where choosing a part type was loading an empty manufacturer dropdown.
* Fixed: a potential situation where all manufacturers would be loaded into the manufacturer dropdown if no part type was chosen.
* Fixed: an issue where adding a new manufacturer with a duplicate name wouldn't show the user-friendly error message.
* Fixed: (case 17465) an issue where the user was unable to add a new model to a manufacturer that had no models for the current part type.
* Added: the manufacturer dropdown now shows the number of models under that manufacturer/part type combination.
* Added: auto-complete support to the part type and manufacturer dropdowns on the inventory models tab.
* Fixed: an issue where the user could not change the case of a make on the vehicle makes/models page (they would receive a 'duplicate make detected' popup).
* Changed: (case 17591) cross references entry tab has been updated to properly handle changes for the new database version (moved to InnoDB).
* Fixed: minor layout issues on the cross references tab.
* Fixed: (case 18443) a crash that could occur if the user renamed a manufacturer that had at least one model for the current part type.
* Added: (case 17627) the "Enforce Location Hierarchy" setting now correctly uses the inventory store instead of the store the user is logged into.
* Fixed: an issue where updating a location name and saving would not save the updated location name.
* Fixed: (case 15515) an issue where deleting a location on a part no longer correctly removed corresponding allocations on open documents.  Now, only documents that are reducing quantity will have their allocations removed (meaning POs, SO returns, and TO destinations will still remember what location they are planning on adding quantity to).
* Added: (case 15515) if a location on a part is changed/moved, any open allocations on documents are updated to point to the new location (both allocations that reduce and increase quantity).
* Fixed: (case 17690) an issue where checking the 'link manufacturer and model' would set the correct model, but if the model was not on the first page of models, the selection would not be saved.
* Fixed: (case 17696) an issue where the parts screen detected a change collision on imported parts if their last modified date was '0000-00-00'.
* Fixed: (case 17816) if the user doesn't have permission to edit attachments, they'll now correctly still be able to copy the image to the clilpboard.
* Fixed: an issue where changing collection type and saving was not actually updating the collection type.
* Changed: (case 17544) when the user loads pricing from the vendor catalog or from the vendor's price class multipliers, if the user has already filled out pricing on the part, those values will not be overwritten by any $0 values.
* Added: if the user loads pricing information based on price class markups, distributor price levels will now correctly get set like the others.
* Fixed: (case 18353) when the user clones a part with attachments, saving the attachments no longer throws an error.
==Purchase Orders==
* Fixed: (case 17401) an issue where transfering core items could transfer items at average core cost instead of average item cost.
* Added: (case 17627) the "Enforce Location Hierarchy" setting now correctly uses the inventory store instead of the store the user is logged into.
* Fixed: an issue where a received serial on a return PO couldn't be removed.
* Added: if a received serial cannot be removed, an error message will be shown to say why.
* Fixed: if serials on a return PO get removed, they now correctly get set to Status Available instead of Status In Transit.
* Changed: (case 17591) postings now have an id (which count up globally) and a posting number, which count up per PO #.  All the posting lookups and displays have been changed to show the posting # (1, 2, 3) so as to most closely match how things worked before this Update.
* Added: for backwards compatibility, postings can be looked up by id or by posting number.
* Fixed: the current posting is now selected when the user opens the choose posting dialog.
* Added: minor performance improvement to deleting adjustments.
* Changed: (case 17777) there was a warning that the user was going to receive a quantity greater than 1 into a whole unit, but was only triggered if accounting was turned on.  There is a new blocking error if the user is going to increase vehicle quantity above 1.  There is also a new attention icon in the PO list for these situations.
* Added: An updated, more efficient version with more filter options.
* Fixed: the OIA mode of the Billing report + additional improvements.  Adds a third mode which is a hybrid of the two existing.  "Both"
* Fixed: a bug in the OIA and Both modes of the report that would sometimes show extra open items.  (When payment storeid did not match paymentline storeid - which can happen)
* Added: a setting to hide terms (bottom left of Billing report).  By default, they will show.
===Inventory Adjustment Log===
* Fixed: joining for global inventory adjustments (that can affect inventory at multiple stores), and updated grouping to reflect inventory store, not adjustment store.
* Added: count summaries.
===Labor Summary By Employee===
* Change: column headers
===Purchase Order Posting Report===
* Updating PO reports that reference purchaseorderhistoryid to use posting number instead (for version 11).
===Received Items===
* Updating PO reports that reference purchaseorderhistoryid to use posting number instead (for version 11).
===Received Items By Source===
* Updating PO reports that reference purchaseorderhistoryid to use posting number instead (for version 11).
===Sales By Invoice===
* Combined the SalesByInvoice report with the extended versions.  New "mode" parameter lets you select detail level.
===Sales Order 11in===
* Added: Customer Tax Exemption ID, if present.  This can be suppressed with a store level setting.
* Changed: the default for creating a new "hide company name" setting to show by default.  Will not change the default for people who already have the setting.
* Added: the TagLogo functionality to the standard Tag report.
* Added: Pageheader updates and some minor improvements from previous cases, query comment headers, etc...
* Added: vehicle Stock # to the footer of every page on Teardown.rpt.
===Top Part Type Age Trending===
* Added: more grouping options, made the black "all" group in the bottom 2 graphs more universal.
* Improved report description.
===Unmoved Inventory===
* Added: a part type parameter.
===Vehicle Value Analysis===
* Added: summary totals.
* Added: an age column.
===Work Order Internal===
* Added: store-level settings to suppress master part and customer unit options and values, both default to show.
===Work Orders===
* Added: a summary section and color-coded 'date promised'.  Sections can be optionally shown or hidden using the new parameter.
==Sales Orders==
* Fixed: (case 17575) an issue where returning a core from the core management screen might throw a database error.
* Fixed: (case 17589) a possible query issue that could appear when distributing a vehicle's remaining cost across remaining inventory.
* Added: a setting to f_adjust_inventory that allows a yard to disable the code that statically allocates CoGS onto returned vehicle parts.  This is useful at yards that want to use pure percent of price costing all the time.  It is suggested that yards not change this setting as it keeps vehicles that have been written down from having their cost become unbalanced.
* Added: (case 17627) the "Enforce Location Hierarchy" setting now correctly uses the inventory store instead of the store the user is logged into.
* Added: (case 17800) now, if the user attempts to save an adjustment without an adjustment type, an error will appear.  This prevents issues where the user would enter an amount on an empty adjustment line, which would show in the subtotal, but not be saved.
* Added: (case 17766) loading a template onto a SO now loads all component items with the quantities filled out on the collection.
* Changed: a small performance improvement made to looking up payment information made possible by recent database changes (globally unique primary key).
* Added: smart search now searches customers by alternate address info as well.
* Fixed: (case 17593) the sales orders screen will no longer show the 'item is part of a collection doubleclick to break down assembly' attention icon if the parent assembly has a quantity of 0.
* Added: (case 17778) the part info tab on the left side of the SO screen now shows 'core status' of the selected line.  For inherent cores, it shows the status of whether the core has been credited back or not (or discarded).  For dirty core returns, it shows whether the core was discarded, inventoried (as well as to what SKU), or if its still in process.
* Fixed: (case 17646) a crash that would occur if the user doubleclicked the camera icon to view images on some parts.
* Fixed: an issue where the picture preview dialog that would appear after clicking camera icons would always show part SKU instead of tag # where appropriate.
* Fixed: an issue where cancelling a very quick search (often done accidentally by hitting enter a second time) would cause an error to be thrown when the search was being logged.  This is due to a MySQL error that has been reported (https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=79838).  However, a second error was happening due to the outcome of the first query, and that has been fixed.
* Added: 'wait' cursor while appraisals are being generated.  Other minor UI changes to appraisal configuration.
* Changed: after reviewing vehicles with cost discrepancies, it was noticed that parts with a status of S or C still allocate vehicle costs, but don't show on the available inventory area of the performance tab.  Now, everything other that status D shows up, making it easier for users to review manual cost allocations.
* Fixed: (case 17385) an issue where making updates to attachments and saving could lead to database errors or possibly vehicle images not saving.
* Fixed: (case 17816) if the user doesn't have permission to edit attachments, they'll now correctly still be able to copy the image to the clilpboard.
* Removed: (case 17986) parts on teardowns were inheriting the vehicle's category.  Since vehicle category lists don't necessarily match part category lists, this was causing issues where parts were saved with invalid vehicle categories.
* Fixed: (case 17816) if the user doesn't have permission to edit attachments, they'll now correctly still be able to copy the image to the clilpboard.
* Changed: save and new as well as preview and next result buttons have  been re-activated.
* Changed: buttons at the top of the screen have been standardized to be more like the customer screen.
* Changed: standardized all the "do you want to save" prompts to match the customer screen as well as other screens.
* Added: gridlines to the vendor catalog page.
* Added: price class and purchase class dropdowns now have auto-complete.
* Added: the price class area has been made easier to understand (labels reworded, etc).  Also, since one of 2 sets of multipliers are active at a time, the currently active multipliers are now bolded.
* Added: (case 12538) there are now 2 'recalculate inventory prices' buttons.  One that recalculates prices for all inventory associated with that purchase vendor, and another that affects everything associated with the current price class.  These allow the user to refresh the inventory prices based on the current price class (useful for when the price class gets modified or a different price class is chosen).
==Vendor List==
* Fixed: next and previous customer functionality works again (buttons to scroll through search results on vendor screen).
==Warehouse Management==
* Fixed: (case 17741) an issue where the count sheet would be blank when printed from the warehouse management screen.  This was due to a bad part type argument.
==Work Clock==
* Fixed:(case 18537) a bug where complaint, cause, correction or internal notes with new lines could break the entire page.
* Changed:(case 18481) Changed the job list page so you can clock in or out of jobs without going to the job detail page.
* Changed:(case 18415) Previously, only users flagged as workers could log into work clock. Now, everyone can. Only users flagged as workers can see the job list page. Workers now automatically go to the job list page after logging in.
* Added:(case 1759) Clocking out of a job now also clocks you out of the associated activity.
* Added:(case 1759) support for clocking out of activities and having it automatically clock out of sub jobs
* Changed: The job name and description are now headers directly below the main title. Previously they were below the complaint, cause and correction fields which are quite large.
* Added: (case 18116) Work Clock should now redirect the user back to the main store selection page if the php session expires.
==Work Orders==
* Added: (case 17627) the "Enforce Location Hierarchy" setting now correctly uses the inventory store instead of the store the user is logged into.
* Fixed: a possible bug that could be caused by building a job from a template that had parts on it.  Each job part's behind the scenes ID was being assigned from the template, which could cause collisions once a template was used more than once.
* Fixed: an issue where doing a serialized assembly breakdown where the assembly was not destroyed would cause the serial # to be marked as 'Consumed' even though it was not consumed.
* Fixed: an issue where the locations of an item would not be handled correctly if the user did an assembly breakdown where the assembly was not consumed.
* Fixed: an issue where serialized assembly breakdowns that did not consume the assembly were not correctly adding the assembly to the job, causing no cost to be distributed and the locations to get messed up.
* Added: a temporary popup to warn the user when they do an assembly breakdown and the part is not consumed that the location of the part may change to the default Work order production location.
* Added: (case 11701) 2 new permissions for whether the user can change filled out values for required/non-required options.  These permissions will default to on for any users who could previously edit work orders to emulate previous behavior.
* Added: (case 11701) the permission for whether a user can change filled out non-required options now applies to filling out recipes on a WO.
* Added: non-stocked items now show N/A in the availability.
* Added: the taxable checkbox now defaults to checked for empty lines.
* Added: price/quantity now defaults to $0.00/1 for empty lines.
* Fixed: (case 17544) if the user enters a pure misc item (description only), the quantity/price/etc will not be lost when the user enters a description.
* Fixed: (case 18184) deleting an item with an inherent core charge would ask the user to delete more than once.
* Fixed: (case 18184) an issue where replacing an item on a WO would ask the user if they wanted to delete the previous item.
* Fixed: an issue where replacing an item with a new item that had an inherent core charge wouldn't load the core charge correctly if it wasn't the last line on the job.
* Fixed: (case 17707) a crash that would be caused when hitting the up arrow in an advanced combo box when nothing was selected.
* Fixed: an issue where paging combo boxes weren't correctly 'going to a page' during setting initial text.
* Fixed: (case 17672) an issue where deleting all items from a list could leave dead whitespace in the list when new items are loaded back in.
* Fixed: an issue where a variable was not initialized, leading to somewhat random behavior on ITDateTimeCtrl's where their style was set to date and time.
* Fixed: an issue where ITDateTimeSetting::Reset was working inconsistently and could create an COleDateTime that was invalid.  This lead to inconsistent behavior in some date/time pickers.
= Release Candidate Change Log =
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Release Candidate|Release Candidate Notes]]
=Changelog Archives=

=Version Change logs=
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 38|Version 38]] (12/05/2023)
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 37|Version 37]] (7/13/2023)
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 36|Version 36]] (2/02/2023)
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 35|Version 35]] (9/20/2022)
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 34|Version 34]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 33|Version 33]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 32|Version 32]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 31|Version 31*]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 30|Version 30]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 29|Version 29*]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 28|Version 28]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 27|Version 27]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 26|Version 26*]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 25|Version 25]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 24|Version 24]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 23|Version 23]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 22|Version 22]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 21|Version 21]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 20|Version 20]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 19|Version 19]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 18|Version 18]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 17|Version 17]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 16|Version 16]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 15|Version 15]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 14|Version 14]]
* Version 13 Skipped
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 12|Version 12]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 11|Version 11]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 10|Version 10]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 10|Version 10]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 9|Version 9]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 9|Version 9]]

Revision as of 18:26, 5 December 2023

Below, find change logs for each release of ITrack Enterprise. Generally a version will be marked as 'live' (generally available release), and one or more versions will be marked as 'release candidates' meaning they are in testing and are available soon to the general public (and immediately to anyone interested in beta testing).

Version Change logs