Difference between revisions of "ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog"

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All dates shown are when files were put on the Auto-Updater.  Users can manually check for new updates in ITrack by going to the '''Actions''' menu (at the top) > '''Updater''' > '''Check for updates'''.
Below, find change logs for each release of ITrack Enterprise. Generally a version will be marked as 'live' (generally available release), and one or more versions will be marked as 'release candidates' meaning they are in testing and are available soon to the general public (and immediately to anyone interested in beta testing).
===Database Updates===
* Fixed: an issue where the sale class table wasn't mapping to HTP SLAs correctly.
* Fixed: an issue where a vendor address wouldn't load correctly if a primary alternate address was found.
* Fixed: the default vinpower data path now matches the one used by the vin power installer.
* Removed: the vendor screen was automatically marking the first alternate address as 'primary' if no address was currently primary. This should allow people to load up a vendor with no primary address without anything being modified.
* Added: a couple of checks to help ensure that a WO cannot be finalized twice.
* Fixed: misc lineitems will no longer call the update inventory function.
===VC REDIST (run/iss)===
*This will automatically launch the VC++ 9 redistributable installer. This should finish without user interaction.
* Updated: the extension has been optimized for size and speed and now uses a newer version of VC++.
* Added: all print operations are now done in another thread to speed up print speeds.
* Updated: the extension has been optimized for size and speed and now uses a newer version of VC++.
* Added: all print operations are now done in another thread to increase print speeds.
===Common Resources===
* Updated: the extension has been optimized for size and speed and now uses a newer version of VC++.
* Added: all print operations are now done in another thread to increase print speeds.
* Updated: the extension has been optimized for size and speed and now uses a newer version of VC++.
* Added: all print operations are now done in another thread to increase print speeds.
* Updated: the extension has been optimized for size and speed and now uses a newer version of VC++.
* Added: all print operations are now done in another thread to increase print speeds.
* Added: a new "Printer Unavailable" dialog. This dialog is supposed to pop up whenever a print job is sent to a printer that is unavailable for any reason. The user is allowed to cancel the job, pick another printer, retry, or continue anyway (add the print job to the offline printer's print queue). Unfortunately, windows doesn't seem to be returning printer statuses correctly, so this probably won't ever pop up.
* Added: when there is an error while printing, the ITrack Error Reporting Dialog now pops up instead of a 'vanilla' message box. This allows these error reports to be transmitted to ISoft Data Systems so that these issues can be fixed.
* Added: support for synchronous (delayed) and asynchronous (threaded/immediate) printing.
* Fixed: a common crash users were getting if they printed a report then interacted with the screen while the print was still happening. Now, the user will be locked out of the interface until the print completes in those cases where something still needs to be done afterward (bug 2011).
* Added: asynchronous/threaded report printing now works, and the threads are registered so that ITrack cannot close until they complete. This makes most print operations in ITrack return immediately. This fixes some crashes users were getting during printing and makes the print operations seem much quicker.
* Added: support for asynchronous print previewing.
* Fixed: an issue where, if the user had "No Printer Selected" for a printer, all prints would fail. Now, the choose printer dialog correct appears.
* Fixed: an issue where the customer # field might not be cleared out in a reset.
* Added: normal address fields have been moved to ITAddressInterface so that the code can be shared with the vendor screen's address page.
* Fixed: several cases of overactive change detection in the alternate addresses area.
* Fixed: an issue where a save warning was popping up more than once.
* Fixed: a crash related to deleting alternate addresses.
* Updated: the extension has been optimized for size and speed and now uses a newer version of VC++.
===Database Updates===
* Fixed: a minor issue related to the model table that was causing an issue on some data management imports.
* Added: fields to the purchase order table for storing a vendor address. This will allow the user to edit the address on each PO, similar to the shipping and billing addresses on the sales orders screen. There is also a query that should populate these fields with reasonable default values.
* Fixed: f_check_user_permission was being defined once, and f_get_user_permission was being omitted completely.
* Added: database fields to purchase order postings to hold some new Accoutns payable fields.
* Added: some queries to set initial values for these new AP fields.
* Added: the payment method table now has 2 flags to set whether a payment method should show up as applicable to customers and/or vendors.
* Fixed: an issue where the function that created a core inventory record was creating inventory at inventoryid 0.
* Added: new permission for changing the quantity of a part. This permission is granted to everyone who already has the can edit statuses permission.
* Changed: description of the "Can edit statuses" permission to be more accurate.
* Added: new permission "Data Management" -> "Can perform import operations". This permission controls whether the user can use the data management screen to import data.
* Changed: the AP `paid` field has been renamed to pay and it now defaults to checked.
* Added: a set of queries that will assign a company's existing PO adjustments to existing PO postings (if they exist). If a PO has an adjustment but no postings, that PO will have a posting created for it.
* Removed: another reference to qbid and qbes, which aren't used in enterprise.
* Added: new purchase orders permission.
* Added: new fields to the vendor table that allow the user to define defaults for the vendor's AP terms and default AP payment method.
* Added: (bug 1961) a permission that locks down stocking fields on the parts screen.
* Added: a new field to the vehicle table that stores the default GL category for parts off of that vehicle. All existing vehicles will copy this value over from the vehicle gl category.
* Added: as per bug 1672, a new table has been added, called saleclass. This table contains information about online sale terms.
* Added: the inventory table now store a sale class code. This can also be modified through part modification.
* Fixed: a crash that would happen when previewing the results.
* Fixed: a crash that would happen if the user changed the import type dropdown then clicked in the mapping tree.
* Fixed: the import type was only refreshing when the user moved their cursor from the import type dropdown.
* Fixed: an infinite loop that would happen when the user previewed some result sets.
* Added: new permission "Can perform import operations" is now checked. There is a new 'todo' item in the todo list that checks this permission. If the user doesn't have it, all the controls on the screen lock down.
* Updated: the extension has been optimized for size and speed and now uses a newer version of VC++.
* Added: all of the ebay pages now share a single ebay handler object. This should cut down on memory requirements and cleanup difficulties.
* Fixed: a crash on the ebay screen that would be caused if the user didn't have an up to date settings extension.
* Fixed: a crash on the ebay listings page that could be caused if the user hit cancel on the export dialog.
* Fixed: made a couple export error messages more descriptive.
* Updated: the extension has been optimized for size and speed and now uses a newer version of VC++.
* Added: all print operations are now done in another thread to increase print speeds.
* Updated: the extension has been optimized for size and speed and now uses a newer version of VC++.
* Added: the web browser control now navigates to the initial web site in a separate thread. This means that the user can do other things while the web control is loading up or visiting the home page. This has the effect of making the home screen seem much more responsive, especially in places with spotty or slow internet.
===HomeLogo===Re-uploading the splash screen logo because some machines were found to not have it, and that can cause issues with the current version of ITrack.exe
* Updated: the extension has been optimized for size and speed and now uses a newer version of VC++.
* Updated: the extension has been optimized for size and speed and now uses a newer version of VC++.
* Added: all print operations are now done in another thread to increase print speeds.
* Updated: the extension has been optimized for size and speed and now uses a newer version of VC++.
* Updated: the extension has been optimized for size and speed and now uses a newer version of VC++.
* Fixed: queries will once again know the filename/line # they were run from in release mode.
* Updated: the extension has been optimized for size and speed and now uses a newer version of VC++.
* Fixed: if the user attempts to create a new user account that has the same name as an existing account, a warning message pops up (instead of a database error).
* Updated: the extension has been optimized for size and speed and now uses a newer version of VC++.
* Fixed: an issue where the main ITrack window wasn't getting the right icon.
* Fixed: a crash that could happen in the update downloader dialog if the splash screen didn't load an image correctly.
* Fixed: a couple recent database errors caused by duplicate key errors when updating the user's versionlist.
* Added: handlers for opening extensions or sending messages to extensions from a thread (asynchronous messages).
* Updated: the extension has been optimized for size and speed and now uses a newer version of VC++.
* Updated: the extension has been optimized for size and speed and now uses a newer version of VC++.
* Updated: the extension has been optimized for size and speed and now uses a newer version of VC++.
* Fixed: an error reported by Chad@VHI where, upon loading a part with vehicle information, then loading another part with different vehicle information, the vehicle make/model wouldn't display right.
* Changed: the "Can edit statuses and quantity" permission no longer affects stock categories.
* Changed: the "Can edit part statuses" permission no longer controls part quantity or stock category.
* Added: new permission: "Can edit part quantities".
* Fixed: previously, if the user has the 'default new quantity' for misc parts set to 0, open a misc part, and hit save & new, an initial quantity of 1 was showing up in quantity. This was causing issues where misc parts were erroneously getting set to a qty of 1.
* Added: (bug 2012) new parts associated with vehicles now use the new "part inventory GL category" field on vehicles instead of the old gl category (which is now for the whole unit itself).
* Added: a new field, Sale Class, to the advanced page. This field controls what terms the item should be listed under online (if any).
* Updated: maximum resolution on images has been increased from 800 to 1024.
===Payment Entry===
* Updated: the extension has been optimized for size and speed and now uses a newer version of VC++.
* Added: all print operations are now done in another thread to increase print speeds.
* Fixed: an issue where the TO screen might complain that the user was transferring negative quantity when the quantity of the item was 0.
* Added: a new page to the left side of the screen called "Accounts Payable".
* Moved: the vendor invoice #, approve posting, and finalize prices fields are all AP-related and therefore have been moved to the AP page.
* Added: an email field to the edit address dialogs (by user request). This allows the user to collect email address contact information from misc vendors and manage email addresses of vendors from this screen.
* Added: vendor addresses that aren't editable no longer allow the user to check the "Update in record" checkbox.
* Added: the last info page the user had open will now be remembered when the user closes the screen. The same page will be opened next time they open the screen.
* Added: vendor address dropdown right below the vendor address box. This allows the user to choose from existing vendor addresses when creating a PO. This feature works similarly to the customer address dropdown on SOs.
* Fixed: sometimes when the user performed a vendor lookup that didn't use the vendor list screen, the vendor wouldn't display correctly.
* Added: each info page now has a minimum width. The user cannot resize the info area on the left side of the screen below this minimum value.
* Added: when a vendor is loaded, clicking on the vendor address box will now allow the user to edit the currently selected vendor address.
* Changed: adjustments are now posting specific. This means that postings only load up the adjustments entered on that adjustment.
* Fixed: when the user adds an inherent core to an item that didn't already have one, the quantity received should be set correctly.
* Added: The AP page now loads up all terms and all vendor payment methods into the corresponding box.
* Added: the ap page now loads various new AP fields onto the AP tab when a PO is loaded.
* Fixed: if a PO gets voided, all SNs returned/received on that PO should get reset correctly. Unreceived SNs should get their status set to Returned, Unreturned SNs should get their status reverted to Available.
* Added: (bug 1936) a new check to the edit item dialog. When the user hits ok, the dialog checks to make sure that the serial #(s) that they've entered are unique for that item.
* Added: a check to make sure the user doesn't specify the same SN more than once.
* Added: a check to make sure the user doesn't specify an empty SN.
* Added: if the user adds a 'new' SN that matches an old duplicate that has been sold, or otherwise consumed, that SN will be used instead. This SN will get marked as In Transit after the PO is saved, and will get updated to Avaialable when the SN is received.
* Fixed: if a line is deleted from a PO, any serial #'s that were affected by that line will get their status reverted. Returned SNs will revert to Available; Received SNs will revert to Returned.
* Fixed: the PO posting save operation now saves all posting fields (including the new ones).
* Fixed: packing list # is saving correctly again.
* Fixed: changes made to all the new AP fields are properly saved.
* Changed: the AP `paid` column has been renamed to pay and it now defaults to checked.
* Added: as per a request in bug 1664, new items can now be added to POs that are 'done receiving'.
* Added: (bug 1664) added a posting adjustments total and a posting subtotal field.
* Fixed: an issue where lineitem adjustments were showing up in the PO subtotal instead of the adjustments field.
* Fixed: an issue where adjustments on previous postings weren't showing up in the PO total.
* Added: new permission "Purchase Orders"->"Can edit basic information on 'done receiving' POs". This permission allows the user to edit informational fields on a PO after a PO is done receiving. Many of these fields can still be modified after the PO has been approved as well.
* Added: new permission "Purchase Orders"->"Can edit advanced information on 'done receiving' POs". This permission allows the user to edit important fields that affect inventory or accounting on a PO after the PO is marked as done receiving.
* Changed: the permission "Accounting"->"Can approve PO postings" has been renamed to "Purchase Orders"->"Can manage accounts payable fields". This permission now controls the user's ability to edit any of the AP fields on a PO. This includes the "pay" column in the list as well as all the fields on the AP tab on the left side of the screen.
* Fixed: an issue where the choose customer/vendor buttons would be visible but they would pop up an error message in certain cases.
* Fixed: an issue where the user couldn't edit the addresses on a closed PO even though they had permission.
* Fixed: an issue where the editability of fields in the line item list could be inconsistent.
* Fixed: the edit items and manage order fulfillments dialogs is now editable so long as the user has the permission to add new items.
* Added: if the user loads an inactive vendor onto a PO, the screen will warn them. Also, there is a new permission: "Purchase Orders" -> "Can purchase from inactive vendors". This new permission is required to get past the previously mentioned warning.
* Added: (bug 1664) change detection to the accounts payable fields.
* Fixed: an issue where some of the AP dates might not reset on load.
* Added: if the user changes the AP terms or vendor invoice date on a PO, the payment due date and discount date are both updated to the appropriate date.
* Added: the vendor's default AP terms and payment method are now loaded into the AP fields when the vendor is loaded.
* Fixed: resource conflict crash.
* Updated: the extension has been optimized for size and speed and now uses a newer version of VC++.
* Added: a check that prints out an error if a print preview request is sent in that is invalid.
* Added: support for threaded print previewing.
* Added: misc vehicle items now use the vehicle's inventory gl category.
* Fixed: an issue where the adjustments list would stay readonly even when it shouldn't be.
* Added: (bug 1936) an error message that would occur when the user entered a new serial # in the edit item dialog that was the same as a previous serial #. Now, the user is warned that the serial # they have entered conflicts with a previous serial.
* Added: (bug 1936) a new check to the edit item dialog. When the user hits ok, the dialog checks to make sure that the serial # that they've entered is unique for that part.
* Added: the print operations now happen 'asynchronously' (in parallel). This means that the SO screen will begin the print operations but then not wait for them to finish before doing the rest of the save operation. This should increase the print speed of the SO screen. For machines that have very slow prints, it will allow the user to continue working as the print operations are completing.
* Fixed: some versions of MySQL return a different error when a query gets terminated (like when the user hits cancel on a search). These errors are no longer presented to the user.
* Fixed: Bug where duplicate inventory items could be moved from Search screen to another, causing possible issues on the receiving screens, and definitely causing bugs in recording search logging of item transitions.
* Fixed: an issue where locked search results were mixing in with normal search results.
* Fixed: an issue with the manifest file in the previous release.
* Updated: the extension has been optimized for size and speed and now uses a newer version of VC++.
* Added: there is now a setting that dictates whether POs that haven't been marked as approved will contribute to the current vehicle cost, or just the projected cost. This setting defaults to automatically considering all PO costs as valid (even without approval). This is a change from the way it used to work. Previously, costs only showed in the 'projected cost' until the posting was approved.
* Added: the basic info page now has a section called "Accounting". The GL Category dropdown has moved there and is now labeled "Vehicle GL Category". There is now also a new dropdown in this section, "Parts GL Category". This GL category controls the default GL category of inventory entered off of this vehicle.
* Added: a new global setting "Vehicles"->"Default part inventory GL category". It defaults to "Used Parts". This setting controls which GL category to select in the part inventory gl category dropdown on new vehicles.
* Added: (bug 2012) the vehicles screen now pops up a dialog on save if the user has modified the part inventory gl category on the vehicle record. This dialog notifies the user of how many associated inventory records would be updated by this change and asks them if they want to update those inventory records. If they say no, the inventory records maintain their previous GL category.
* Added: both GL category dropdowns now allow the user to pick an empty value.
* Added: when the user clears or closes the screen, if the previous value in the global settings for the default gl category values aren't filled in or are invalid, the current values are saved into those settings.
* Added: the address information page is now a subclass of the ITAddressInterface and the ITAlternateAddressInterface. This means that most of its code is shared with the address page on the customer screen. This shouldn't affect the user much, but it means that the vendor screen will no longer have an out-of date alternate address interface.
* Fixed: an issue where the alternate addresses weren't displaying correctly.
* Fixed: a crash related to deleting alternate addresses.
* Updated: the extension has been optimized for size and speed and now uses a newer version of VC++.
* Added: misc vehicle items now use the vehicle's inventory gl category.
* Added: (bug 1936) a new check to the choose serial # dialog. When the user hits ok, the dialog checks to make sure that the serial # that they've entered is unique for that item. If it isn't, the user is told to enter a unique value.
* Fixed: a bug where the invoice button stayed grayed out.
* Fixed: an error when saving an existing WO if "Everyone" was selected as a job's worker group.
* Fixed: an issue where the second WO print check always said "Print Final" instead of the WO type specific report.
* Added: if a WO type is loaded that has no secondary report selected (or has "Work Order" selected), the secondary print checkbox is now hidden.
* Added: the report dropdown in the edit WO type dialog now allows the user to choose nothing. This is for WO types that have no secondary report that makes sense.
*This installer is for installing the visual C++ dependencies that are required for ITrack to function properly. If the automatic install doesn't work correctly, just doubleclick this file.  
==Changelog Archives==

=Version Change logs=
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 39|Version 39]] (05/24/2024)
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 38|Version 38]] (12/05/2023)
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 37|Version 37]] (7/13/2023)
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 36|Version 36]] (2/02/2023)
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 35|Version 35]] (9/20/2022)
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 34|Version 34]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 33|Version 33]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 32|Version 32]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 31|Version 31*]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 30|Version 30]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 29|Version 29*]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 28|Version 28]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 27|Version 27]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 26|Version 26*]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 25|Version 25]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 24|Version 24]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 23|Version 23]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 22|Version 22]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 21|Version 21]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 20|Version 20]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 19|Version 19]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 18|Version 18]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 17|Version 17]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 16|Version 16]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 15|Version 15]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 14|Version 14]]
* Version 13 Skipped
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 12|Version 12]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 11|Version 11]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 10|Version 10]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 9|Version 9]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 8|Version 8]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 7|Version 7]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 6|Version 6]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 5|Version 5]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 4.5|Version 4.5]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 4.4|Version 4.4]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 4.3|Version 4.3]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 4.2|Version 4.2]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 4.1|Version 4.1]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 4.0|Version 4.0]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 3.0|Version 3.0]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 2.3|Version 2.3]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 2.2|Version 2.2]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 2.1|Version 2.1]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 2.0|Version 2.0]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 1.4|Version 1.4]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 1.3|Version 1.3]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 1.2|Version 1.2]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 1.1|Version 1.1]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2013-01|2013-01]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2012-12|2012-12]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2012-11|2012-11]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2012-10|2012-10]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2012-09|2012-09]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2012-08|2012-08]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2012-07|2012-07]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2012-06|2012-06]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2011-12|2011-12]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2011-11|2011-11]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2011-10|2011-10]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2011-09|2011-09]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2011-08|2011-08]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2011-07|2011-07]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2011-06|2011-06]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2011-05|2011-05]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2011-04|2011-04]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2011-03|2011-03]]
* No changes for month of 2011-02
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2011-01|2011-01]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2011-01|2011-01]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2010-12|2010-12]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog 2010-12|2010-12]]

Latest revision as of 12:34, 24 May 2024

Below, find change logs for each release of ITrack Enterprise. Generally a version will be marked as 'live' (generally available release), and one or more versions will be marked as 'release candidates' meaning they are in testing and are available soon to the general public (and immediately to anyone interested in beta testing).

Version Change logs