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=Release 18.0=
Below, find change logs for each release of ITrack EnterpriseGenerally a version will be marked as 'live' (generally available release), and one or more versions will be marked as 'release candidates' meaning they are in testing and are available soon to the general public (and immediately to anyone interested in beta testing).
==Notable Changes==
* The accounting screen now allows the user to specify a date, before which all documents are completely locked, and another date, before which all documents require confirmation for modification.  Currently, only sales orders respect these settings, but more documents will come in the future.  If a user wants to modify a restricted document, they must enter their password to confirm they understand they are modifying an out of period document (these operations are now logged)If a user wants to modify a locked document, a user with permission must enter a password for them to continue.  This system will allow an administrator to come over and enter their username/password to override this lock for another user.
* Sales Order date is now more strictly regulated, as a document's date dictates whether the document is in a restricted or locked accounting period.
* Recreating accounting now tracks the date they were recreated as well as their effective date for easier investigations.
* Terms now allow a dictation of due date, even if the finance charge is 0%.  Sales orders that carry balance will now throw an error if the selected terms have no due date specified.  Soon, this should factor into remittance dates.
* Changed: some database options have been modified to attempt to alleviate a lot of the deadlocks users are encountering.
* Performance: slight speed increases when adding rows and columns to a list control.
* Fixed: (case 27068) an issue where changes to a dropdown in a list control could cause columns to be added or removed from a list could cause a crash.
* Changed: (case 26939) the default line coloration in all products now use a darker, greyer, less green color instead of the previous, lighter green.  This should help resolve some of the issues users are having with visual fatigue and/or issues with low-contrast for colorblind individuals.
* Fixed: (case 27250) a freeze caused by calling GetLastVisibleItem on a CTreeCtrl in some scenarios.  This only seemed to happen when deleting items from the tree ctrl when there was enough items in the tree to require scroll bars.
* Changed: double-clicking a column header resizes the column to minimum width including data and the header name now.
* Fixed: resizing a column that contained icons but had right-aligned text was incorrectly making the desired column width very large.
* Fixed: an issue where setting focus into an ITListCtrl after hitting a search button or tabbing in would scroll to the right side of the item instead of the left.
* Fixed: (case 27649) an issue where non-locked tree controls would not draw correctly after the user expanded or collapsed an item.
* Added: (case 22959) there is now an accounting settings page, which is permission controlled, that contains several important accounting settings, including whether accounting is enabled or not.  In addition, we now have date-time pickers for configuring a date that controls accounting periods that are locked and periods that are restricted.
* Fixed: an issue where searching for accounting detail would continue to show results from previous searches.
* Fixed: (case 25669) the recreate accounting popup now correctly back-dates documents to document date or document date closed.
* Fixed: if the user chose to delete old gl entries when rebuilding accounting, we now make sure to delete the entire transaction, not just part of it, as that could leave an unbalanced transaction.
* Added: an origin type to the activity detail page.
*Added: Added sage50 export to the activity detail tab.
* Fixed: a couple fringe scenarios where two appraisals run at the same time might cause strange disconnect issues.
* Fixed: appraisal connection errors are now shown to the user if the setting "Appraisals"->"Hide All Appraisal Errors" is set to False.  This setting already exists, but these errors were always being hidden.  SSL is required on database connections to get appraisals, and in some scenarios, SSL errors were not being shown.
* Added: (case 22293) a new 'change log page' which has all the required functionality to display entries in the audit log tables for a specified table and its child tables.
* Changed: the change log page has a row id as well as a row description to make it easier to tell what changed.
* Added: a new checkbox near the change log detail: "Show historical value for unmodified fields".  It is checked by default, and it shows other fields for that row that were NOT modified, and the values shown are whatever the values were at that moment in time, according to the logs.  All fields that were not modified are greyed out.
* Added: colorization to updates/inserts/deletes.
* Fixed: the from/to date pickers in the change log now correctly set the dropdown to Custom if they are changed.
* Fixed: (case 27588) configure->reports now correctly uploads the report file when you add a new report.
* Fixed: (case 26750) when the user prints core tags from core management, a document type is passed into the report so that we can distinguish between WO and SO items.
* Changed: as per user request, the "remember printer choice" checkbox now always defaults to unchecked.  This should only have significant impact on new users, who have no previous printer selections.  Said users will have to manually check 'remember printer choice'.
* Added: option edit/add/remove are now controlled by a new "Manage customer options" permission.
* Added: formatting to customer option list and tooltips.
* Changed: (case 26702) the f_salesorder_saved function now detects if you are using a component tax method (Canadian), and triggers the proper functions if so.
* Removed: triggers on the salesorder table no longer mess with date when the salesorder becomes finalized, as there is other screen logic that dictates this now.
* Added: permissions for a user to override locked SOs, payment, and WOs.  Documents are locked if they their date is before the lock date.
* Added: the useraccess table now has access types for overriding locked documents as well as modifying restricted documents
* Added: the useraccess table now has a user account id for the currently logged in user.  This can be different than the other user account if an administrator performs an override for another user.
* Changed: all the default document templates have been updated to not show inventory side if its "N/A".
* Added: gltransaction now has a createddate as well as an effectivedate.  effectivedate is the date the transaction should be exported on.  These dates default to the gl entries' timeentered field.
* Removed: glentry.timeentered, which has been superceeded by the gltransaction.effectivedate.
* Removed: the trigger on insert of the glentry table, which is no longer necessary.
* Changed: v_mas90glentry, v_glentry_document have been updated to use the new effectivedate instead of the old timeentered field.  ALso, significantly simplified the date formatting functions.
* Changed: f_get_report_printer now correctly considers the report type input argument.
* Added: (case 11061) inventory type 5355: Air Brake Components is now standard
* Added: (case 27167) an explicit primary key column on the inventorysourceallocation table.
* Added: (case 27167) a foreign key constraint for inventory source allocations
* Fixed: p_backup_table now does INSERT IGNORE to avoid primary key collisions.
* Fixed: (case 27284) scheduled reports now allow more recipients (longer email destination field)
* Added: (case 23355) delivery trucks can now be deactivated.
* Changed: (case 27555) f_get_setting no longer writes the defaults to the settings tables, as some larger yards were seeing f_get_setting present in a lot of deadlocks and lock wait timeouts.  There is no good reason for this function to get write locks whenever it is called, so that has been removed for speed purposes.
* Added: (case 23149) glentry now has an origintype column which keeps track of where the gl entry came from (namely inventory/transaction credit/debit).
* Removed: some settings that are generally never customized and we don't want to support anymore.
* Added: (case 26378) emailbcc column to the reportmassmailtemplate and reportqueue tables.
* Added: (case 25540) a new permission for managing customer options.  This permission defaults to on for anyone who could merge customers before.
* Added: (case 23355) delivery trucks can now be deactivated.
* Changed: the run sheet tab no longer shows deactivated delivery trucks, unless they were already saved on the run sheet.
*Fixed: (Case 26909) The eBay Auction screen now remembers what the user last selected for status.
*Fixed: (Case 22323) Manufacturer Part Number and Brand now set values of "Unbranded" and "Does not apply".  Previously, values were not set in some cases, causing listings to fail.
*Fixed: (Case 24634) Prices are now required fields
*Fixed: (Case 24634) Required and enabled pricing fields now change based on listing type.
*Fixed: (Case 24634) Duration no longer selects empty values when the listing type changes and an unsupported duration was selected.
*Fixed: (Case 27376) Export to CSV functionality re-enabled.
*Fixed: (Case 27801) Prevented a crash that could occur when modifying global config shipping options.
*Fixed: (Case 27801) Shipping cost is now only disabled when free shipping is checked on global config.
*Fixed: (Case 27801) Corrected saving behavior when modifying the PayPal: Immediate Pay setting.
* Fixed: (case 27501) an issue where edocuments might not output correctly if they contained single or double quotes (' or ").
* Fixed: an issue where user settings were loaded multiple times when a user logged in.
* Fixed: (case 27056) an issue where the report printer options page showed all report types rather than report printer types.
* Fixed: (case 27312) an issue where the application would crash after a successful push if the log was not set up.
* Changed: (case 26952) the inventory overview screen now has checkboxes for whether suggested orders should include stocked inventory and/or on demand inventory (special order/obsolete).  This allows the screen to accommodate users who are attempting to do only stock orders vs hot orders.
* Changed: the fiscal year to date (FYTD) column now defaults to considering January to be the beginning of a company's fiscal year.  Before, it defaulted to August.
* Changed: the configure->inventory->locations dialog should close faster now.
* Added: a 'usage' column to the location configuration tree that shows the number of inventory records reference that location.
* Added: there is now a bolded prompt above the login button that gives the user more information about the verification/authentication process.
* Fixed: an issue where the user could edit the username during authentication when they were not supposed to be able to.
* Added: wait cursor as part of saving users in the configure->users popup.
* Fixed: (case 26968) an issue where saving users in the configure->users popup was taking a really long time to save, especially for large numbers of user accounts.
* Fixed: (case 27043) an issue where the 'first time login' popup would not let the user set their first password correctly.
* Added: support for SO accounting, WO accounting, and payment accounting to set the 'effective date' of the gl transaction back to the document date or the document closed date.
* Changed: payments now get a separate GL transaction, even if they are created as part of a SO being saved or finalized.  This is to separate those documents as well as making sure the entire transaction can have a single date.
* Changed: the controls on this screen have been rearranged to more closely match other screens.  The cancel button has been removed, as it was redundant in with the close button.  The various buttons have been renamed to more closely resemble their purpose.
* Added: the configure fields dialog now has tooltips to better explain the columns, they've been rearranged and renamed to better convey their meaning.
* Fixed: (case 12519) external fields can now be marked as searchable correctly.
* Added: (case 26743) work order master parts on the part transaction list now shows cost as a per quantity (EA) cost instead of total.
* Fixed: an issue where renaming/moving a location on a part would move allocations on open documents over to the new location name, but might not move the holds.
* Fixed: an issue where the interchange options button was greyed out even when the user had permission to edit parts.
* Fixed: the description of what fields changed at the top of the change log popup now uses more user-friendly names for fields instead of database column names.
* Added: (case 25774) old and new values in the change log now display a more user-friendly value (IE location/manufacturer/model/part type/gl category/user name instead of id).  These are not the only fields that were showing an id instead of a name, but they're the most commonly modified.
* Fixed: (case 26977) the PO return dialog now correctly shows the next/previous page button in scenarios where that vendor had POs that don't currently show due to being inapplicable.
* Fixed: (case 27078) an issue where standard parts and vehicles did not allow adjustments if the inventory was not on hand.  However, it is possible and desirable to add adjustments to vehicles before they have been received.
* Fixed: an issue where the user could not delete a PO line if there were unsaved adjustments on it (the user was incorrectly notified that the line had saved adjustments).
* Changed: (case 27772) recent updates removed the 'send electronic PO' system from PO saving.  This has been added back in, but instead into the advanced option dropdown.  This will transmit the last saved version of the PO.
* Fixed: the prompt to save message on the PO screen now match other screens' prompt to save.
* Added: the "send electronic PO" options in the advanced button now prompt the user to save the PO first.
* Changed: (case 26860) report efficiency and query organization, tidied the report
* Added: (case 26860) new sort options, a default salesperson parameter, and summation totals when appropriate
* Fixed: (case 26860) customers with balances in the specified interval were being filtered out if they had no total balance and unallocated payment distribution when filtering the report by document store
===Billing Statement===
* Added: (case 26598) the ability for the Billing report to print an inactive customer if that customer is specified by the customerid parameter.  The report will indicate the account is deactivated in this case. 
* Fixed: (case 26302) updated how unallocated payments and considered when filtering by store.  Previously, unallocated payments would show for every store the report was run for.  Also changed how payments were filtering by store in the Activity subreport.
* Added: (case 26302) Unapplied Payments to the tearoff at the bottom, when applicable.  Supresses if 0.00.
===Core Tag===
* Added: (case 26750) a new parameter that accepts document type when the report is printed from the Core Management screen, allowing Work Order Cores to print core tags with job barcodes
===Delivery Picking List By Document===
* Added: (case 26466) a new report to print from the Deliveries screen, prints selected parts but grouped by document onto separate pick lists.
===GL Activity===
*Changed: (case 27032) references to glentry.dateentered to gltransaction.effectivedate.  This is a change to GL accounting, and this report is changing to match.
===Inventory By Default Vendor===
*Added: (case 27012) a setting that hides remaining non-inventory vehicle costs.
===Inventory Detail By Part Type===
*Added: (case 27012) a setting that hides remaining non-inventory vehicle costs.
===Inventory Summary===
*Added: (case 27012) a setting that hides remaining non-inventory vehicle costs.
===Label 5160===
* Fixed: (case 27679) When year = 0, it was printing as '-', so I added a year formatter
===Labor Detail By Employee===
*Removed: (case 26871) deprecated the report
===Location Label 5160===
* Fixed: (case 27679) dynamic font resizing in the barcode was based on location name, even though the barcode contains locationid.  I removed it.  It will now always print size 24.
===Outstanding Cores===
* Added: (case 26537) make/manufacturer & model, which can be disabled with a setting.
* Added: (case 26537) a new setting to dictate whether the report uses remittance address as the return address or actual store address.
===Sales By Sales Region===
* Fixed: (case 26626) salesperson grouping to actual sales region grouping using the region table
===Salesperson Profit Analysis===
* Fixed: (case 26689) store/salesperson grouping issue in the query
* Fixed: (case 26689) adjustments
* Changed: (case 26689) tidied the report
* Added: (case 26746) special behavior for printing from the Bid Screen and any other scenario where breakdowntemplateid = -1.  When there is no associated template, only existing associated parts will be included and a new page header will state that this is not a template.
===Top Customers===
* Added: (case 26501) an on-demand subreport showing customer invoice details.
===Vehicle Costs In A Date Range===
* Added: (case 24342) a new supplemental report that shows itemized vehicle costs by document and vehicle in a date range
* Fixed: (case 27079) an issue where the mass mailer screen might throw a query error during 'find recipients' if any of the parameters were dates.
* Fixed: when mass-mailing reports, the email address can now be edited to values that were not found in the system previously (new emails).
* Added: (case 26378) BCC field to the mass-mailing system.
* Fixed: an issue where reviewing the report queue would not show the value that was sent as part of the print operation.
* Changed: report parameters in the report queue now use the 'user visible name' for the parameters, like other screens (where possible).
* Added: (case 26378) the mass-mailing page now shows a progress dialog during the mass-print/email operation that shows the user how far along the process is, and gives a cancel button.
* Changed: the 'date' of an invoice is now set to the current date when you click the 'finalize' checkbox instead of waiting until save.  Also, a SO that has been finalized, then reopened should leave its date to the original finalization date on subsequent finalizations.  This also allows a user with permission to change salesorder dates to change the date of a SO as it is being finalized.
* Fixed: saving an unfinalized SO no longer sets a finalization date/expiration date on documents that this does not apply to.
* Changed: the invalid gl category/context combo info popup now shows line item lookup if the part number is empty.
* Added: (case 22959) during save, if the user is finalizing, reopening, or voiding the document and the document affects a previous period that is either locked or restricted, we will pop up a sign-in dialog.  The user must either confirm they understand the impact this change will have (restricted documents only) or the user/an administrator with permission must authorize it (locked documents only).
* Fixed: (case 27028) an issue where saving a SO could lock up the system if a single payment had more than one payment line (payment application on the customer screen) applied to that same SO.  Now, the save operation correctly combines those payment lines into a single one.
* Fixed: (case 26977) ensuring the SO return dialog correctly shows the next/previous page in all scenarios.
* Changed: (case 25422) the user can now specify a grace period or due date, even if the finance rate is 0%.
* Added: if the user specifies a non-zero finance rate, the user will now get an error if no due date or grace period is filled out.
* Added: (case 25422) if the user attempts to finalize a SO, they will get an error if the document has a credit balance and the selected terms have no 'due date' filled out (no due date/grace period specified).  This is because one of those fields will be required for computing invoice remittance date on the credit balance.
* Changed: (case 26335) serials at locations that are non-sellable are now grayed out on sales and cannot be selected.  Also, serials at non-sellable locations are ignored when automatically selecting a serial #.
* Changed: (case 21264) the 'quantity available' on the locations popup when selling items now shows "N/A" if the location is not sellable.  this will hopefully make things less confusing for users.
* Added: (case 26171) the return dialog now shows serial # on historical SO lines.
* Added: the configure sales order documents dialog now uses a shared configuration dialog.  This shouldn't affect the end user.
* Changed: all the columns in the configure sales order documents dialog now resize so that the user can see the full column widths.
* Changed: a standard or misc part no longer uses the dark green (over max quantity) or dark yellow (under min quantity) because only replenishable parts make sense for those colors.
* Fixed: (case 27377) an issue where sometimes fields and filters would not correctly add the required JOINs to the query, causing database errors.
* Fixed: (case 27084) an issue where various columns were not formatting correctly on bids/teardowns.
* Fixed: (case 27084) bid/teardown totals were not correctly recalculating when fields were being modified.
* Fixed: (case 26741) an issue where saving an external WO, getting an error, but then saving again could result in a WO that, when loaded would throw an error about being unable to load an address.
* Fixed: (case 26998) an issue where reopening WOs at a single store might throw an error if WOs at other stores with the same WO # had sold master parts.
* Changed: if a WO is finalized and sent to a new invoice, the invoice date now defaults to today (normal invoice behavior) instead of the date of the WO.  This prevents invoicing of WOs from creating sales history in closed invoicing periods.
* Added: (case 25429) a new top-level menu Configure->Documents->Work Order Types.  This allows viewing, adding, editing, and deleting work order types.
* Changed: (case 25429) the configure WO types button has been removed, though the user can still right click on the WO type dropdown to view details about the current document type.
= Release Candidate Change Log =
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Release Candidate|Release Candidate Notes]]
=Changelog Archives=

=Version Change logs=
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 38|Version 38]] (12/05/2023)
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 37|Version 37]] (7/13/2023)
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 36|Version 36]] (2/02/2023)
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 35|Version 35]] (9/20/2022)
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 34|Version 34]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 33|Version 33]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 32|Version 32]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 31|Version 31*]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 30|Version 30]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 29|Version 29*]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 28|Version 28]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 27|Version 27]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 26|Version 26*]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 25|Version 25]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 24|Version 24]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 23|Version 23]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 22|Version 22]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 21|Version 21]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 20|Version 20]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 19|Version 19]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 18|Version 18]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 17|Version 17]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 17|Version 17]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 16|Version 16]]
* [[ITrack/Enterprise/Changelog Version 16|Version 16]]

Latest revision as of 18:26, 5 December 2023

Below, find change logs for each release of ITrack Enterprise. Generally a version will be marked as 'live' (generally available release), and one or more versions will be marked as 'release candidates' meaning they are in testing and are available soon to the general public (and immediately to anyone interested in beta testing).

Version Change logs